Chapter 59

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"He's a fucking idiot." Bones huffed, looking at his communicator as we walked through the grounds of the star fleet academy to meet Kirk for drinks. A pity party as Bones had called it.
"To which are you referring?" I clipped cooly, raising a brow and McCoy laughed.
"True." He said. "What ones a bigger idiot? The one who lied, or the one who told the truth."

A pregnant pause hung in the air as Bones waited for my answer and I failed to give it. I wasn't going to lie to the doctor and tell him that I thought Spock was in the wrong because he most definitely wasn't, however I knew the doctor well enough to know that he probably believed Jim was completely in the right about this. He wasn't, but that was beside the point and my reasoning would be beyond the impulsive humans I called friends. It was unfortunate, the loss of the enterprise, however there was a reason Vulcans cannot lie and situations like this only served to show how correct we were.

"So, how's Spock doing?" Bones asked in an attempt to clear the air and I did all I could to hold back a sigh. How did he think he was doing? Leonard was the human after all, wasn't he? He was the one who was supposed to understand emotion, not me. Spock was naturally feeling something at the loss of the friendship but I didn't know what it was. How should I? "He... Regrets the loss of the friendship, I should think." I reasoned, carefully choosing my words.
"You've literally no idea what he's feeling, do ya?" Bones questioned, seeing right through me.
"No." I protested, furrowing my brows, "I'm aware of a negative reaction in Spock, I just can't articulate it."
"Ah, you'll get it one day darlin', don't worry." He laughed as he threw and arm around me.

"Hey, guys." Uhura had called to us as we rounded the corner of one of the large glass buildings which where glimmering like opals in the fading sunlight to where the two were standing. She shot us a smile and Kirk shot us a glare.
"The traitor not with you?" He had hissed at us, his words biting like a rabid dog.
"Refrain, Jim." I had shot back at him without a moments pause.
"You're sticking up for him? Seriously?" He had laughed incredulously. "No wait of course you are, I fucking bet you think he's totally right too."
"Naturally I would support Spock." I bristled. "Or did you forget he was my husband?"
"Why don't we all chill, yeah?" Uhura said, warily. "We have drinks to get to and I'd rather not spend the entire night sitting between you two giving each other mad glares." I rolled my eyes at this and stepped away from Bones to lead the way to the nearest bar, Uhura falling in step beside me.

"How is he?" She asked gently and I threw threw my hands up in exasperation as our feet slapped out a beat on the stone slabs as we walked as quickly as possible to our destination, everyone eager to drink away the awkward. "How should I know?" I huffed.
"As you just said, he's your husband." She said calmly, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know what's going on with him." I snapped. "I don't understand all this illogical emotional stuff, it's too human for me. I don't understand any of it, ever."
"Well, maybe you should start learning? You did marry the half human." She said, her chocolate eyes boring into my blue ones. "It's not my fault you expect everyone to be dead inside to make things easier for you."
"Huh." I said stopping suddenly. Why was I being so snappy with Uhura? She'd asked a valid question, nice even. I couldn't fault her for caring about how Spock was faring and perhaps I should have been paying more attention to the emotions he was feeling. "I'm being illogically sharp with you, aren't I?"
"It's cool, blondie." She laughed, reaching up to ruffle my hair, "we all have that time of the month."
"I apologise. Perhaps I'm not as good an empath as I thought."
"Picking up on other people's emotions telepathically is only the first step on reading people, the next is actually understanding them."
"Then we've identified my shortcomings." I said with a ghost of a smile dancing on my top lip for a moment before fading as quickly as the sun was falling behind the horizon in the late evening.

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