Chapter 17

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In memory of Leonard Nimoy, he changed Scfi forever, live long and prosper.

"How much further?" Spock asked again, I was dragging him by the hand towards wherever this rock was.

"It should be here." I said dropping his hand and tightening my bun of hair.

"Here it is" Spock said after a few minutes of looking, it was undeniably corrodium. It was a copper colour with dark green veins running throughout it and was glowing green.

"Don't touch that!" I shouted a fraction of a second to late. Spock had tried to pick it up and inevitably had suffered a severe burn on his hand.

"Let me see your hand" I said, my voice returning to normal, Spock put out his hand and I took it in both of mine.

Looking down at his palm it was severely burned, "third degree I believe" he said, pain lacing his tone.

"Hold it still" I said dropping his hand and delving into my bag, pulling out a bandage I proceeded to wrap his hand, "I'm sorry I can't help more, my mothers the healer" I said looking up into his eyes.

"It's satisfactory, how do we pick this up?" He said, his attentions back on the rock.

"Gloves" I said, a hint of a smirk playing on my features.

"I'm going to have my mother look at that hand" I said as we walked down my street towards a house I hadn't seen in quite some time.

I took his silence as acceptance, it was only logical.

Walking up the path to my house I rapped on the door.

Spock's POV.

The door opened, revealing a Vulcan woman who looked like Esha. Probably her mother.

The woman was tall, but smaller than her daughter. She had dark brown, almost black hair and the same ocean blue eyes as her daughter.

"Mother" Esha said calmly. "Both of you, inside. It's illogical to stand outside" she said ushering us in.

"Come here" she said to Esha her hand raised, her daughter stepped forward and her mother preformed a mind meld on her.

"I see star fleet is treating you well?" She said eyebrow raised. "Yes, you know it is, it was illogical to ask." Esha said sighing.

"It was illogical to join, don't dictate logic to me." Her mother said still calmly.

She was extremely well composed, someone who had obviously undergone kohlinar.

"Attend to his hand mother" Esha said brushing stray hairs out of her face and walking out of the hall.

Esha' POV

Jogging up the stairs I placed the corrodium in its bag safely away.

"How's earth?" My brother asked.

"I wouldn't know, I don't spend much time on it" I retorted. "That was a very human response" he mused.

"Ask an illogical question get an illogical answer" I muttered pushing open the sore to my room.

Clearly no one had touched anything since my departure. You could see the dust in the air.

Pulling my hair out of its clip and tiding up I walked back down the stairs, finding Spock with his hand treated and my mother making us food.

"Your family home is lovely" Spock said quietly, breaking the silence.

"I preferred yours."

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