Chapter 13

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I am so ill, so it makes sense to stress myself and quickly write a chapter. Good job, logics not flawed at all.

I blinked my eyes open to the dim lighting of my quarters and I rolled over and checked the time it was unreasonable, as usual.

I was in denial about the fact that I had developed a habit of waking up at ridiculous times. Usually after an illogically irrational nightmare, or with an apocalyptic pain emanating from my head usually accompanied with the need to throw up.

I'm estimating it was nerves about going to Vulcan. Nobody was happy when I applied to join Star Fleet. My 'friends' were quite vocal about how illogical it was and my mother treated the whole prospect with nothing but scorn and disdain.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I stood up and pulled on my short blue dress and standard issue boots, heading to the science labs.

I am attempting to determine the exact location of this rock the location of this rock,
Corodium I believe It was called. A boring task but a necessary one. Usually when I'm allowed access to a wealth of chemicals and equipment I would create toxins, medicines and generally things that would explode in my face unpredictably, now I was actually having to use my chemistry skills for something that didn't interest me in the slightest.

This element was formed years ago in the heart of a meteor hit a small uninhabited planet, it was volatile and unstable but had somehow managed to hold itself together for years. It was eventually spread across federation, Klingon and Romulan space as people were eager to sell it although someone should have had the logical foresight to destroy it and then there wouldn't be this problem.

I sighed pulling my hair up into a bun.

After finally placing it in a forest -more like a savanna considering he harsh climate of Vulcan- just outside the city limits of Shi'khar I sat down to some other, truly fascinating experiments I had been working on.

I woke up to the warmth of someone as they carried me.
I must have fallen asleep. Looking up I saw this person was Spock and on seeing this I settled back down to sleep.

I felt safe with him.

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