Chapter 50

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"T'aitlu, whoops sorry. I forgot you changed your name because you had a vendetta against your parents." She said, rolling her eyes.
"It was more about principle."
"Or was it about the fact your name was literally T'desire?"
"I'm hanging up."  I warned, moving my hand towards the screen.
"I'll stop, I'll stop." She said, throwing up her hands in defeat, all her bangles knocking together and making noise.
"Thank you, I'm already stressed enough without this." I groaned slightly.
"Ah the joys of wedding planning, tell my husband hello."
"You never got married, don't be illogical." I said, narrowing my eyes.
"Ah, silly technicalities."
"Anyway, I'm slightly busy right now and..."
"Slightly busy? You are literally cooking one of your mad scientist concoctions!" The ensign shouted across the lab.
"Worried?" T'pring asked.
"Wouldn't be the first time she's blown herself into med bay." He called back across.
Glaring at the ensign I turned to Uhura, "What am I supposed to ask?"
"Will you be my bridesmaid!"
"You heard the human."
"Sure, why not?"
"Great bye, talk to you later." I said hanging up and turning my attention to my work.

"So the name thing?" Uhura asked, as I turned my attentions back to the task at hand.
"Yes I changed my name. Ask away." I said shrugging.
"If I was was going to leave the Vulcan way of life behind I was going to leave everything." I shrugged, again.
"But you didn't leave it behind at all did you?" Uhura said, sounding more like a therapist.
"No I didn't." I replied, "Are we done with this topic?"
"Probably." She shrugged, walking away.
"Do you have any questions?" I said, turning to look at the ensign.
"I haven't got a clue what you're talking about." The ensign said, feigning innocence.
"So you weren't eavesdropping?"
"Eavesdropping is such a harsh term..."

"What's this?" I asked, walking into our quarters to see Spock struggling to attach a large pin board to our wall.
"It's a board." He said, continuing to fumble.
"I can see that." I said, sitting down onto the bed. "What's going in the board?"
"It's going to be organisational for the wedding."
"Walk me through the though process that led you here, Spock."
"This book and a talk with my father." He said, shrugging slightly and nodding his head in the direction of Dr. Mccoys gift.
"I didn't think you'd read it." I said, raising my eyebrows.
"So I talked to the Captian about this best-man thing."
"And he said yes?"
Spock nodded his affirmation, still struggling to get the board up. "And T'pring?"
"You know T'pring. She'd never turn down a chance to be at the centre of attention."
"True." Spock said, still not managing to get the board up on the wall. "I have come to the conclusion that it would be logical to just do this on a computer."
"I was just waiting for you to reach that."
"Have you talked to your mother? She's apparently becoming a Doctor." Spock says, sitting down beside me and changing the subject.
"Actually I had two passive aggressive emails about the wedding."
"She's not taking all of this well, is she?"
"She's not very happy about all of the tradition we are throwing out of the metaphorical window and she certainly isn't dealing with the destruction of Vulcan productively."
"I feel that there's an and you're not saying."
"And I've thought about it and she was always like this, she just had other children and a husband to spread her attentions between."
"Well..." Spock said, grabbing a data pad and flicking through till he found what he was looking for. "We get two spare days on earth a few months away. We could go visit her?"
"Are you sure? Because there's really no need."
"We don't have very much family left, I'm not allowing you to become estranged from the little we actually do have." He said, getting up and going to the bathroom.
"I appreciate the sentiment but..."
"No arguments." Spock cut me off, locking his head around the door.

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