Chapter 14

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Time lapse? Time lapse.
Your probably getting sick of filler chapters😴

Two weeks was all it took to get to Vulcan. It would have taken a lot less time if we didn't stop at seemingly every planet, but still, I was getting familiar with the phrase warp speed ahead.
And "keptian on ze bridge"

That was getting on my nerves, but of course I'd never let it show.

We were dropped off in the centre of Shi'kar, at a port for imports and exports.


"We can stay with my parents, they don't live far. We can leave in the morning." Spock suggested.
"That would be great." I said, desperately trying to take out the exasperation in my voice.

We had been on Vulcan all of five minutes and our starfleet uniforms were attracting stares, well the dress wasn't what I would call modest.

My hair also appeared to be a talking point, I had forgotten what it was like in Vulcan. A blonde Vulcan was an oddity and a curiosity. I had often wondered if I had human ancestry.

Running my hands through my hair, I set off after Spock through familiar streets. We were in the heart of the red city, not on the outskirts where I was in my element.mI preferred nature and isolation to pushing through crowds. At some point Spock had grabbed my hand and was leading me through the crowds.
And I was happy?

"Oh Spock! You're home! Come inside and get warm, or warmer anyway." The woman I assumed to be Spocks mother gushed. "Well it's always warm here but according to your father it's a horrible winter. Who is this? Don't tell me you have girlfriend? You must introduce us!" Spocks mother stopped smothering him with hugs to drag me over the threshold into her home.

"Not a girlfriend, mother." Spock said. "This is lieutenant Esha."

Watching his mother and him gave me a strange feeling.
Something I could only describe as longing. Longing for what he had with his mother.

"That doesn't mean she's not your girlfriend." His mother said, raising her eyebrow. "It must get lonely on that ship and she's very pretty Spock! She would make a lovely girlfriend!"
"Mother, she's my colleague and I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable." Spock stressed struggling to keep his tone level.

I was however struggling not to laugh. Damn him.

"Spock." His father said nodding at him as he came down the stairs. "It's satisfactory to see you home."

Now that's what I was used to with my parents. That's the caring I was used to.

"I know your father." the Ambassador said turning to me, "A good man, welcome to our home."
"Thank you." I replied.

"Your both so thin! Let's get you two fed!" His mother, Amanda I believe, said leading us into the kitchen.

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