Chapter 32

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I deserve a round of applause for finding a bunch of gifs and writing this chapter in a day.

"Russian flags." I said, entering the room we were using for Pavel's party.
"Great, start hanging them on the walls." Sulu said clapping his hands.

"Mr sulu, care to explain' what on gods green earth are you doing to help." bones huffed as he lifted a table under Sulu's direction.
"Im making it perfect. You only turn 18 once." He huffed. "Esha, go and find him and make sure he's distracted."
"I think Spock's doing that." I shrugged.
"I don't see why you took him back." Bones huffed.
"It was the logical thing to do." I said stoically.
"Anyway, go find Pavel." sulu said, pushing me out of the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked in the room.
"Checkov hadn't listened to Tchaikovsky before."
"That's illogical, he's Russian." I said sitting down on the floor beside them.
"I just don't listen to zat music."
"I always did prefer Yo-Yo Ma anyway."


"Ready?" I asked, walking into Esha's room.
"Almost." she said leaning over her counter as she applied make up.

I was lucky, lucky to have her, lucky she took me back.

She grabbed our present to Chekov and straightened up, a slight green flush in her pale cheeks. Brushing back a few stray hairs she took my hand

She was perfectly calm but all I could think about was how soft her hands were and how beautiful she looked.

When we got to the party, we were instructed to hide. Ducking behind a table with Jim and the Doctor was slightly awkward as I could feel the doctor glaring at me.

After about ten minutes, Esha piped up.

"Has anyone actually told Pavel to be here?" She said, standing up and raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, Jim was telling him he needed help here tonight." Sulu shrugged and Jim shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
"Well actually...."
"Oh come on Jim! You had one job!" Bones groaned, exasperated.
"I'll handle this." Esha said, sitting on the edge of a table and flipping open her communicator.

"Can I get your help down by the rec room? No I'm moving sensitive stuff. No if I could find him I wouldn't be calling you. Don't be illogical. Bye."
"Okay, panic averted." Sulu laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair.

"Spock." Uhura said tapping me on the shoulder and I turned round, placing my soda down.
"Lieutenant." I said coldly, raising an eyebrow.
"We may have gotten your girlfriend drunk." she said, stifling a giggle.
"There is no 'may' about it. She's well and truly aff her nut." Scotty said laughing. His accent apparently became thicker the more he drank, fascinating.
"Ye may wanna take her hame."

Abandoning they crowd people it wasn't long before I found Esha or rather she found me.

Pushing me into a conference room just off of the party she began kissing me, her red lipstick leaving it's mark.

"Your drunk." I said, pulling back for air.
"I'm not." She protested and I raised an eyebrow leaning against the wall. She bit her lip and smirked a little bit. "Well a little."

She was obviously extremely intoxicated if she was smiling.

Maybe she's just happy? Said the little nagging voice at the back if my mind.

Why would she be happy? She's Vulcan. I'm sure she has control over her emotions.

"I'm taking you back to your rooms." I said, picking her up. she leant her head against my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You smell nice." she muttered.

Lowering her into bed I turned to leave.

"No. Stay."
"Because I love you and I want you here."

It's probably just the alcohol. She probably won't remember this in the morning. She probably can't feel emotion.

But I stayed. I stayed tangled up with her till the morning and one thing was for sure. She might not love me, but I loved her.

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