Chapter 34

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sophia_anna98 suggested a Vulcan holiday a while backi and it seems logical to this XD thanks for the suggestion.

The sun was quite high in the sky by the time Spock and I had forced ourselves out of bed. We had really -as Scotty would say- kicked the arse out of it last night.

"You two were out late." Amanda commented as we entered the kitchen.
"We ran into an old friend." Spock shrugged sliding onto a stool at the island.
"Who?" Sarek asked, placing down his tablet.
"Doesn't matter." Spock said quickly.
"That was quick." Sarek said, eyebrow raised. "Far too quick Spock."
"Who was it?" Amanda questioned, turning away from her task.
"It was T'pring." I offered.
"Oh that must have been awkward." His mother laughed turning back to the stove.

"So what are your plans for today?" Sarek asked, changing the subject.
"Shopping." Spock said pouring a cup of ch'aal tea and passing it to me.
"Shopping?" Sarek repeated, raising an eyebrow.
"We plan to go to the institute of medical science later, they have an exhibit about the history of medicines I'd like to examine." I said, trying to redeem ourselves under the rather judging gaze of sarek.
"I read your paper. You seemed suited to a nursing career from what I could gather." Sarek commented.
"I prefer chemistry, it was my intended major at the science institute. I do find that the medicinal field intriguing but a career there was not for me." I explained.

"Guhfik." Spock mumbled as I read the display.
"Well your lucky I finished, ashalik." I said, raising my eyebrow.
"Lunch." He said, walking away.
"I'm going to treat anywhere you want to go with the same level of enthusiasm Spock." I said, following him.

"Oh." I said, slightly surprised, stopping in the doorway.
"What?" He said, turning to face me.
"This is where we went on our first date."
"It is." Spock confirmed and I walked in ahead of him.
"You're such a romantic." I said, hint of a smirk playing on my lips.

"Now I plan to order the most vulcan thing possible." he said over the top of his menu.
"I understand. I have been aching to get my hands on ameelah." I agreed with him.
"You like that?" He said, furrowing his brow.
"You don't?"
"Of course not, it tastes like fried bananas." He said calmly. Who doesn't like fried bananas?
"I find it deeply disturbing that you don't like fried bananas."
"I find it disturbing you do." he said raising an eyebrow.
"When we are back on the ship, I'm having bones make you his. They're amazing."

Spock sighed at the mention of the doctor and didn't reply. After sitting for a moment in confusion, I realised what it was.
This alone was fascinating, I remembered a time I wouldn't have been able to pick apart even the most rudimentary emotions.

"Your jealous." I commented.
"No I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"Well it's hard not to be." He admitted almost sulkily.
"You're an idiot." I said roiling my eyes.
Moving around to the other side of the booth, I took his face in either side of my hands and kissed him, breaking away I ruffled up his hair.
"Your the only person I want and it's always going to be that way."

ch'aal- vulan delicacy, purple leafy plant native only to Vulcan, commonly brewed into tea.
Guhfik- boring.
ashalik- darling.
ameelah- Vulcan desert, tastes like fried bananas.

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