Chapter 43

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"You're attacking that water like it killed your family!" I laughed, watching the Vulcan swim furiously. She is God damn fast, there was no two ways about that.

"Good job there McCoy." I muttered upon realising the entire insensitive nature of my comment. Way to fucking go Leonard. Way to fucking go.

"I'm merely providing the amount of resistance required to create a strengthening effect in my muscles." She commented, gliding to the edge of the water, raising an eyebrow and looking up at me through a curtain of thick dark lashes that shielded eyes bluer than the water she was standing in.
"Or you're moping over the fact you broke up with your boyfriend?" I commented, smirking. I don't know why I bothered, I'd known her long enough to know she's never going to turn round and admit anything of an emotional level to me no matter how much I want her to.
"Vulcans don't mope." She predictably said, rolling her eyes and running her hand through her dripping hair. "Moping would simply be illogical."
"Okay, yeah, well speaking of Vulcans, we've arrived on New Vulcan." I'm said in a butchered attempt to quickly change the subject. Talking emotion with Esha never went down very well and I doubted it ever would.
"And...?" She said expectantly.
Fuck, she's got me there, I haven't thought that far ahead into what I was suggesting.
"I was thinking we should get extremely drunk." I shrugged nonchalantly like I hadn't thought of it on the spot, like my heart wasn't in my fucking mouth at the thought of rejection from her of all people and like it wasn't a stupid idea she wasn't immediately going to turn down because why would she want to spend the night out with me?
"Yeah fine." She agreed, taking me completely by surprise before climbing out of the water. "Throw me my towel?" She asked, standing before me, soaking wet in a skintight bathing suit. My eyes widened to the size of fuckin' saucers at the sight of this alien that stood before me with legs for days and a face that if God exits for Vulcans, he crafted by hand. "Bones?"

Ugh, pull yourself together man.

"Seriously?" I asked, trying to make the surprise evident in my tone and play off the fact I'd just danced away in a god damn daydream about Esh' when she got out the pool as mere surprise that she's going to get drunk with me. "How long has it taken to get you to agree to this?"
"Too long." she shrugged, catching the towel I threw and bending over to rub at her hair. "I'm lead to believe that humans find it a good way to take their minds off of unpleasant situations?" She asked, straightening up and throwing the aforementioned towel over her shoulder.
"Ahaha yeah, I mean, something like that anyway."
"And it's effective?" She asked with that God damn eyebrow getting raised quizzically again and a bottle of water making it into her hands.
"Got me through a divorce, didn't it?" I laughed as we walked towards the showers.

Still hung up on Spock then I thought as my heart dropped from my mouth to my toes.

I swung by her room around 8 with my hair all over the place wearing the first clothes that came to my hand and my leather jacket that I loved more than anything else. Well bar a few things. I'd planned to show up all suave, hair slicked back, rose between my teeth or some bullshit romantic gesture but medbay wasn't nice enough to be nice and quiet so I could slip away on time. I mean, I'd barely had time for a shower and I don't think Esha (or what was her fancy ass Vulcan name? T'aitlu?) would have appreciated me showing up to take her out for drinks all blood specked.

It was totally pathetic of my because she 100% knew I was standing outside her door due to her mad hearing and telepathic skills but I still took a good thirty seconds to work up the courage to knock on the door and when I did I was greeted with a yell of "come in! I'm in the bathroom!"

Letting myself into her compartments was interesting, I didn't think I'd ever been in here before so it was an insight into what she was like when no one was watching. First of all the temperature jumped up a good 10 degrees when I crossed the threshold but I put that down to the green fucking ice water that was Vulcan blood. There was a massive pile of medical books sitting or her table and it was just killing me not to take a peek in at all of them, but my eyes were drawn like a magnet to the pictures taped up in neat rows to the wall.

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