Chapter three

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As 1 was no linger needed on the bridge I decided to go to my quarters, I needed to organise the place in some kind of logical manner although it wouldn't take me long. Organising was my "forte" as the humans said.

Soon after I found myself free and decided to try and explore this vast ship that was now my home, however lunch sounded very appealing so I decided my first stop should be the mess hall.

The room followed the same sparklingly clean, blindingly white and rather open plan like the rest of the ship and it was sparsely populated with crew in a rainbow of shirts. I stood in the door blankly. I sensed impending social interaction.

"You're the new science officer, yeah?" A woman with coffee coloured skin and a shining white smile said as she slid up next to me with a wave. "Nyota Uhura, I'm in charge of communication." She said offering me her hand and I shook my head in what I hoped was polite refusal. These humans needed to finish thre out the customs of other races and needed to do  it fast.
"I'm a telepath." I shrugged. "It'd be rude."
"Ah I appreciate it then." She laughed with a smile. "Come sit with us? I know it's hard being the new guy on a ship full of total strangers." I shrugged again in causal response and she strode off towards a table in the corner of the room with a group of men sitting around laughing.

"So I think you've already met Spock, Jim and Bones." She began pointing at the three men in question and they snapped their heads up in response to the use of their names.
"Bones?" I questioned quirking my eyebrow at the curious colloquialism.
"A rather interesting nickname we have for the Doctor." Spock supplied at my question.
"Because you're a doctor, yes?"
"Nah, cause my ex wife left me with nothing but my bones in the divorce." the doctor said cheerily, taking a sip of his drink. "One hell of a lawyer that woman got, let me tell you."
"This is Pavel Chekov." Uhura continued her introductions, gesturing to a man in a gold shirt. Actually on further inspection, I don't think I could call him a man. The boy had a small, pale face and striking blonde curls with a happy grin.
"Happy to meet you!" He chirped in a peculiar accent I couldn't place, earthen for sure but beyond that I couldn't say, and I waved to him.
"Checkhov is the resident whiz kid." Bones said slapping him in the back. "Knows his way around the navigation panel of a ship this one."
"This is..."
"Hikaru Sulu." The dark haired man in the chair next to Checkov cut in with a winning grin. "Welcome aboard."
"They're obviously saving the best for last." The last member of this little grouping said in a thick accent which I could place his time around, scottish, with a throaty chuckle. "I'm Montgomery Scott but you can call me Scotty hen, everyone does."

"Commander Spock, Lieutenant Sulu, Uhura, Chekov, Captian Kirk and Lieutenant Esha" to the bridge" rang through the hall.
"Looks like ze break is over." Pavel muttered with a groan as we all push forward towards the bridge.

Looks like no lunch for me then.

The Captian and Spock had powered on ahead of our little group and reached the bridge before us and by the time we were there there was already the hustle of activity.

"The planet on our scanners, can you identify it Chekov?" The Captian asked from his chair while I sat at my station and pretended to be useful.
"Two minites tops I theenk." Replied Chekov confidently and sure enough within a minute he was announcing it was Beta V. 'Bones' wasn't lying about him being a whiz kid.

"Science team take it away!" The Captian laughed turning round to face Spock.
"Well I'm going to assume you want the planets stats Captian. It's a humanoid planet with a monarchy and a rather interesting culture and economy built on the slave trade."
"The gas build up of the atmosphere is similar enough to earth, the planet is fit for humanoid inhabitants, the ground has a rather interesting composition of elements and is extremely iron rich, no detectable harmful bacteria or pathogens." I reeled off. Shame really, I loved a good pathogen.
"Great lets assemble a landing party."

Nearly an hour later I found myself standing in the transporter room ready to be beamed down. Somehow I'd been roped into this alone with the Captian, the doctor and Spock and I felt a sense of trepidation which I reasoned was only logical. It was a new planet. Unknown inhabitants. It'd be illogical to feel totally at ease.

"Scotty. Energise"

We were beamed down in Beta V on the outskirts of a seemly quaint little town. We were about a miles walk along a dirt path just wide enough for a vehicle to travel down. "Well." Bones began, "hope y'all are wearing comfy shoes cause it looks like we're walking."
"That's gonna be hard for you Bones." The captain jibed as we began the walk across the uneven ground.
"You calling me fat Jim?"
"I'm just saying the last time you went for a walk it was to the fridge to check if there was beer in it."
"I'll have you know that I spend all day in my feet! Not kicking back in a chair on my ass." Bones laughed shoving his friend and Spock made eye contact with me behind the backs of the two men and rolled his hazel eyes.

The closer we got to the little town the more sure I was I could hear a noise. A really high pitched noise that was begging to hurt my head actually and only seemed to grow in pitch and intensity the closer we got to the town.

"Doctor." I murmured to the man standing closest to me. "Can you hear that?"
"Hear what?" He asked, a look of confusion crossing his brow. "Don't tell me you're hearing voices."
"No I hear it too." Spock said quietly as we continued to walk down the path. "I started hearing it a little while back but I thought it was just me."

Then the captain opened his mouth and began to speak but all I could hear now was the noise and now my head felt like it was going to supernova and then the ground rushed up to meet my head.

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