Chapter 39

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(this is where I fuck with the cannon)

"High command is hardly jumpy." I said, giving Doctor McCoy a pointed look, "I'm inclined to agree with the captain."
"Whatever you say." the Doctor shrugged.
"I still doubt the captains theory's are logical." Spock said, standing face onto the captain, looking down to the shorter man.
"Why would they not be true! On my birth there was..." The captain protested.
"You are proposing time travelling romulans. It's entirely illlogical."
"It's more than just an electrical storm." I mused, scrolling through my pad for the the data high command had output. "Planet wide seismic activity."

"2 minutes."

"It's a completely probable theory Spock! Lieutenant Uhura, the Klingon distress call you deciphered earlier?"
"The attackers were Romulan, sir." Uhura replied.

"It's just illocical." I said, reading off the tablet. "Seismic activity shouldn't cover an entire planet."

"Disengage warp, let's see what's we have here."

As the ship slowed down, it was evident we were in a debris feild. Several of the other starfleet ships that had been called out had been destroyed by a large ship, positioned over my planet.

Over my home.

"I think I can clear this, Captian." Sulu says, his voice quiet and focused.
"Oh, I'm banking on it."

"It's gonna be straight out of the frying pan and into the fire. Mark my words."
"We aren't in a frying pan, doctor." I protested, furrowing my brow.
"For someone so smart, you're remarkably thick aren't you?" He quipped.
"I apolgise, it's just your vernacular is incred..."

"Not the time!" The Captain cut in.

It turned out the Doctor was right. Clearing the debris only put us in the line of fire.

Calls of things like "Shields at 34%!" echoed across the bridge as the first wave of torpedoes slammed into the ship.

"Sickbay is damaged, Captian." I added and Bones groaned.
"How bad?" He questioned, running his hand through his hair.

"She's preparing to fire again!" Someone called. "Wait she's stopped." They added confused.

"They're hailing us captain."
"Let them talk."

A bald, tattooed Romulan man appeared on the screen, smirking.

"This will be classed as an act of war." Kirk warned, narrowing his eyes at the man.
"I'm a renegade form the empire." the man laughs coldly. "It's ironic you're here Spock."
"Have we met?"
"It's hard to say, I want to speak with your captain aboard my ship. if not, I reopen fire." he said, then cut the call.

"This could be a trap." Spock warns.
"It probably is." Kirk laughs. "The main priority is Vulcan however. Walk with me? You too sulu." He says to Spock and the three men disappear.

"I have causalitys." Bones says, excusing himself and I begin to draft a note to high command. I doubt it'll reach them but it would be illogical not to try.

"Lieutenant, I'm printing you to first officer while the captain is away. Ensign Chekov, keep a lock on their positions."

It's a tense silence for a few minutes until a flash of red and a flatline announces Olsen's death.

"Keptian! Ze red matter! It's creating a Black hole in ze planet!" Breaks the silence.

"Vulcan will literally implode." I mutter. placing the pad down.

"I can't get a lock on him!" Panel snaps. "I have to do it manually." and with that he's a blur, running for the transporter room.

My planet is going to burn and I can't stop it at this point.
My home will be destroyed. Maybe I can save some of it.

"Spock." I say urgently, pulling him from his thoughts. "The council. We can beam down."

And with that we break into a run for the transporter room.

"You're now captain lieutenant sulu." Spock says, stepping onto one of the plates and I stand next to him.

Explaining our plan to the room, we are beamed down.

I'm embraced in the familiar tendrils of golden light and then I see my planet for possibly the last time.

The rusty dust is flying everywhere. it coats my face and hair but the ground is solid beneath my feet. Its moving and groaning but it's still solid, still there.

This is a familiar setting. I've been to this cave, never been inside it. I've snuck onto this mountain in the dead of night and looked out at the seas and the city.

It's ceremonial, a safe haven for the council and out of bounds but as rebellious child how didn't get the significance of anything I snuck here a few select times.

Ducking inside the cave, there is dust falling everywhere, bits of stone raining down large and small alike.

We find the council standing in a circle around a statue. My parents are here and so are Spocks.

"Spock!?" Amanda calls, worriedly.
"Mother, we have to go. The planet is dying." Spock calls, moving to get a hold of his mother.
"What do you mean?!" She shrieks.
"There will be time for explaining on the enterprise but we must leave now." I urge.

My mother is the closest to me and she's the first down the long tunnel, a weight of my mind.

The statues are falling now, crushing people. 2 men fall to the large one were all crowded around and my father bends to help them and then I see it all in slow motion.

I run over to my father to urge him onwards. these men are dead, there's nothing to be done but get out of here but I'm too far away.

He straightens up, moves towards me and calls "Go! I'll be right behind you!" And I turn to move towards the door.

Then there is a cracking noise. Loud and violent, something significant has disclosed and it's falling towards my father.

This is where it speeds up. He's crushed, vanishing under he statue like the human magicians. I'm sure he'll pop out again and surprise me.

I go to run, to push the stone off of him. Stop the spread of this pool of green but a strong arm hooks around my waist and pulls me back.

"He's gone." Spock says firmly, and I nod, grab his hand and we run.

Amanda is trying to reassure Spock, act like everything is okay with its not. He doesn't need reassuring, and he's kept his hand entwined in mine his whole time.

"Where's your father?" Mother says and it doesn't sound like she's here, a ringing is filling my ears and if I speak, I risk emotion seeping into my voice so I just shake my head and push it all to the back of my mind.

The golden lights back and then there's one more sickening crack and the rock where Amanda's standing is falling. Spock jumps to grab her and we're on the enterprise.

I run to the nearest port with a view of my home. Spocks still standing in the pad in shock but I'm joined here by the council and I get a great view of my planet exploding.

All the Vulcans are deadly silent.

My memories of home are exactly that. Memories. I'll never be able to go to the beach again, the soft red sands are lost to me. The incomparable heat, the glistening planet in the sky.
The red sky at sunset and the city in the day. the spires of the academy.

I'm a member of an endangered species.

I sense someone behind me, a height and warmth that scan only be Spock and I lean into it.

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