Chapter 55

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Lol, this chapters been complete for ages but my wifis been too shit to post it. I wrote about 3000 words and then they got deleted as well so I had to start from scratch but without further ado, I like to call this one the almost plot point with a side serving of angst.

"Are you ready?" Uhura giggled as we stood outside the doors of the main chamber of the little chapel.

The girls had insisted on staying with us as long as possible but everyone unanimously agreed that I shouldn't be allowed to see Spock. This was something I had vehemently protested against but apparently it was the human way.

T'pring spoke to me quickly in Vulcan. I took in little of what she was saying but words like "marriage" and "soul mate" were banded about and I tried to take solace in the smooth, unemotional tone she took with me when twisting her mouth around the words of our mother tongue that I so sorely missed hearing. Spock and I spoke in it frequently when we were working together in the lab or at home but nothing could quite match wandering down the bustling streets of Shi'khar and hearing the noise of Vulcan wash over you.

"You two better go in." Bones interjected, putting his hand on my shoulder and pushing the two away from us. "Not long now." They both agreed and quickly ducked through the door which allowed me to let out the massive breath I had been holding in and I quickly smoothed out the skirt of my dress, mentally kicking myself for the fact the shiny material did nothing to absorb the cold sweat I was breaking out in.

"Nervous?" Bones asked, a slight hint of laughter in his tone.
"I have no reason to be." I tried for a level tone and failed miserably with this statement. Bones of course picked up on this and delivered his "But you are?" With a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.
"But I am." I sighed, giving him confirmation. The fact. The fact I was soon to be someone's wife. Their aduna.
"Ah, it's normal." He shrugged. "I vomited before I married my ex, and that was before I knew she was a heartless shrew."
"That's quite harsh."
"I stand by that statement completely but why are we talking about my failed marriage and not about your impending one?" He said, changing the subject and spinning the tables back around to me.
"I have no clue."
"Do you want to do this? There's still time to..." He almost pleaded, a hopeful hint edging into his tone and I could feel my heart being wretched in my side.

I loved Spock or something close to that at least, cared for him greatest. There was no doubt about it. However sometimes, in moments of doubt I caught myself wondering what would have happened if I'd let myself end up with bones? Would I be happier? What would be different? I'd be lying to myself I said I had never felt anything for Bones, I'd be lying if I said I regretted the time we once shared, however brief and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't enjoyed the feel of his strong lips on mine.

But that was in the past. I'm looking now to a future I've tried to build for so long and had repeatedly torn down or snatched away from me but enough is enough. I cared so very deeply for the Half-Vulcan through the swinging oak doors of the little white chapel in Las Vegas and I'm confident I want to marry him.

"I want to do this." I said firmly, rolling my shoulders back and straightening my stance.
"Well then I have something for you." He said, breaking out into and almost sad grin and pulling a small bundle of slightly battered white flowers out from seemingly nowhere. "Flowers are kind of a human tradition." He tried to explain and I allowed a slight smile to tug my lip and I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Well, as they say 'lets get this show on the road'?"

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