Chapter 49

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"Happy new year!"

Human traditions were strange, first Christmas was celebrated decadently and then there was a split in the crew over Boxing Day. According to the British and Canadians (well, some of them anyway) Boxing Day was the time you finished all of the left overs, lay on a couch or went shopping. Then there was New Year's Eve which just concluded a few moments ago. This in its own was set to be a large party until the Scots got a hold of it. Scotty swooped in with strong spirits, expensive whiskey and coal he insisted was part of tradition and suddenly te was now Hogmanay and the party got a lot bigger.

I was not drinking so I witnessed the absurdity of human traditions, considering everyone was kissing everyone.

"The Captain is certainly going for it." I said poking Spock and directing his attention towards Kirk and Uhura's... Display.
"It's been years, it's about time one of them worked up the courage to do it."
"Shame they won't remember."
"I doubt you have any intention of letting them forget."
"True." I conceded. "I don't know if I'm glad or not about the fact we've always had shore leave during the 'holidays' before."
"Well I should warn you that everyone is going to start singing in a moment."
"Please no."

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot..." Scotty started singing as soon as the words had left my lips..
"Oh look, they're making a circle." I commented raising my eyebrow.
"For auld Lang syne my dear, for auld Lang syne."
"Organised singing is never the answer to anything." I mused.
"Statistically that is incorrect." Spock replied, smugly.
"Let's hope this year was better than last."

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