Chapter 53

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We finally left later in the day as the sun was slowly setting across the Orange sky that rather than being a comfort only made me yearn for a red one.

Maxwell and Cassandra had been an accommodating couple and we're in fact very pleasant but it still baffled me to think that I was part human and it perplexed me even further when I though about how I didn't make this link myself ages ago but the link to my father and the link to a planet, however thin was still a comfort.

"That was not as bad as I though it would be." Spock mused. "Your family is nice."
"They are."

Spocks large hand found mine and our fingers intertwined as we left the dusty farm road behind and headed back for civilisation.

As the city lights streaked past us and the golden of the sky illuminated Spock in a halo I made a decision. It was in one of my rare moments when I would cast logic aside for something greater that I decided that I was tired of waiting and planning.
"Let's get married." I breathed and Spocks brows furrowed in confusion.
"We're getting married." He stated. "Is everything okay?"
"Let's get married tonight."
"Tonight?" He asked, a look of surprise covering his handsome features. "How would we even do that?"
"We go to Vegas. We buy rings, get a few friends and we fly to Vegas."
"As long as I'm getting married you it could be anywhere." Spock said.

13 minutes later I was riffling though clothes for appropriate wedding wear while Spock spoke
in his usual clipped tones as he tried to explain why exactly Bones had to meet us at the shuttle port as soon as possible.

The rings sat on the dresser catching the light, they were two carbon bands of varying size. One was small and dainty while the other was thicker. From a logical standpoint they were non reactive and would therefor not be a hinderance to our duties aboard the ship, from a romantic standpoint what they symbolised was something beautiful.

For Spock, I had thrown out a white shirt and black slacks and for myself I had found a white dress that would shimmer under the light and was a Vulcan style. The traditions were completely awry, neither of us had any idea what we were doing just that we had a desperate to be married to one another

"Have you hidden the dress away?" Spock called through.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm not supposed to see it. It's a human tradition."
Rolling my eyes, I stuffed the dress into our small bag. "You can come in."
"We should" Spock began, pausing inky to kiss me. "Head to the shuttle port."
"I'm right behind you."

"Vegas baby!" Jim shouted as soon as we had stepped out of the cab. "Of all the couples that I thought would randomly surprise me with a "pack your shit we're going to Vegas" call you two weren't even in the top 50."
"Who cares? It's Vegas." Uhura laughed and T'pring rolled her eyes.
"I've never understood the human fascination with gambling."
"You should try it, it's both relaxing and habit forming." Jim suggested smirking.
"Sorry to interrupt but we have a shuttle to catch." Bones cut in, flashing the time at us.

The shuttle to Vegas would be thankfully short but until then we would all have to deal with each other.

Don't get me wrong, these people were my friends and I was content in their company it's just I'm not sure this worked two ways.

"So..." I began, turning to face T'pring and breaking the slightly awkward silence. "How's dickhead broken-nose?"
"I'm shocked and proud of your ever growing vernacular." Bones mock gasped, holding his chest to which I rolled my eyes.
"And I'm proud you can use vernacular in a scentence." I shot back.
"So much shade." Uhura commented, without any of her usual excitable yapping.
"He's fine, well you know apart from the fucked up nose so thanks for that."
"The way you both describe it in your reports are hilarious." Jim chuckled slightly. "But when did Vulcans start swearing?"
"None of your fucking business, that when." Tpring replied curtly and Jim broke into an even bigger laugh.
"I like this one, she's interesting."

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