Chapter 28

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A fucking Tory majority...

"Vell, it's not quite Russia..." Chekov pouted.
"Yeah I know, San Fransico is better." Sulu said, playfully shoving him.

"But lads, it's nought compared to bonnie Scotland!" Scotty said appearing from behind and clapping them on the shoulder.
"Aye! I would second that!" Called the ensign who's name I never can remember. the one that's always in the lab with me. This is highly illogical....

"It's not quite Shi'Khar..." I said, catching up to the crowd.
"I'm in total agreement here." Spock said from the other side of Scotty, nodding his head.

"Well, nothing beats good ol' Georgia!" Bones said, his southern twang clear.
"Naw, you've really got to see Aberdeen." Scotty insisted.
"Nobody puts Glasgow in the corner!" The ensign said indignantly.
"Has anyone here actually seen Shi'Khar at night?" Spock added, raising an eyebrow
"Vhat about St Petersburg?" Chekov said, rejoining the conversation.
"Look at San Fransico!" Sulu stressed laughing.

"Guys! Has anyone here been to Iowa?" The captain said appearing suddenly behind us all.

And so the bickering continued as we all walked out of the hangar together.

I was heading back to my apartment, we all had plans to meet up later anyway.
Sulu and Chekov were staying with each other as Pavel didn't have an apartment.

During my time in the medical bay, bones had remarked a few times about how 'at least the kids legal' whenever the subject came up.

We weren't far from Pavel's 18th. He was ridiculously excited about it. I was roped into party planning.

"Are you coming over?" I questioned Spock as we walked through the streets,
"No I'm just going to head back to my apartment." He said simply.
"Okay, see you tonight?" I asked, eyebrow arched
"Tonight." He confirmed.

When I got home, I let myself into the familiar apartment.
The dust danced in the air, catching the light.
Everything remained untouched. Perfect and pristine.

I wandered around, opening windows, dusting, putting away the food I had picked up on the way home. The picture of domesticity.

Later, i began to get dressed for this party, bar, whatever it was.
The theme was 21st century, so I guess that would mean very bohemian?

I plucked a white dress with lacy floral detailing on the cuffs and skirt, a black purse and some gold jewellery along with a pair of sun glasses. Highly illogical for night time but there was a theme.

My makeup was simple, nothing of the metallics that woman found fashionable back home.
This was very subdued, pinks and peaches.

I finalised the outfit with tan flats, heels would eventually hurt and it would be illogical to wear them.

A knock on my door announced Uhura's arrival.

"Very 2015 Cochella!"
"Very 2010." I said just the hint of a smirk playing in my lips.

Uhura stood in the door way wearing a figure hugging leopard print dress, a bottle of alcohol dangling from her finger tips.

I stood aside, allowing her to come in and she made her way for the kitchen island.
I grabbed two cups and say next to her, she filled hers with alcohol, I filled mine with water.

"I just knew you wouldn't have alcohol. You are up for clubbing tonight?"
"Of course." I said rolling my eyes.
"To good times?" She said, raising her glass.
"Good times."

The music was thumping, the lights were flashimg, the people were dancing and the drinks were flowing.

Spock was somewhere with Uhura, I suspected he was drunk. I didn't say anything.

Bones was talking medicines and I was half listening, half texting.

"You need to loosen up!" McCoy laughed judging me. "Two Jäger bombs." He said to the barmaid.

"Away wae yer bevy. Widne get anyone mad wae it." Scotty laughed from behind us.
"Vell... it's not quite vodka..." Chekov laughed.
"Can you even drink?" McCoy turned to him laughing.
"Not technically..."
"Mister Scott, are you buying this child drink?" McCoy laughed in his thick southern accent.
"Ahm no! Your trust is reassuring!"

"Count of three?" McCoy asked, laughing.
"Count of three." I nodded.

The shot burned, but it was a nice burn. a warmth that settled withing me.

The topic moved to would you rather, then kiss marry kill.

"Kill admiral Marcus..."
"That's illogical, you would be killing a great mind which can only harm humanity." I protested.
"I'm going purely on aesthetics, which is hard when yer straight!" Scotty said, glaring at Nurse Chapel.
"Captian pike would definitely be a kill for me." Nurse chapel laughed.
"I do agree with nurse chapel..." I mused.
"So your finally getting the game!" McCoy laughed.
"Okay, the Captian, Spock and Pavel." Nurse Chapel laughed, slightly slurred.

I knocked back another shot. Surprisingly I have a pretty high tolerance to alcohol.

"Easy, kiss the Captain, marry Spock and kill Pavel." I said simply, placing the glass down.
"Really! I thought ve vere friends Esha!" Pavel wailed in his seat next to me.
"It's only logic, I would feel morally corrupted."
"So nice..."
"That was sarcasm..." Leonard started out laughing and I cut him off.
"It wasn't lost on me."

The hint of a smile on my lips wasn't lost on him.

"I've never seen a diamond in the flesh..."

"Oh my jam!" Sulu exclaimed jumping out of his seat.
"You are so gay." Pavel said rolling his eyes before he was dragged away.

"So much sexual tension." Nurse chapel muttered.
"And here we see the philosophical drunk in her natural habitat..." Doctor McCoy muttered.
"Humour is lost on me."
"Hob goblin." He joked, nudging me.

"You can can call me queen bee..."

"I'm going to find Spock." I said, swinging myself off of the bar stool as the song changed to guitars, and drums. An indie rock song was playing.

"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine..."

Pushing through the dance floor it didn't take me long to find Spock.
I wish I hadn't.

"Started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?..."

I found Uhura veritably latched on to Spock's face.

I must have just subconsciously done it because next thing I knew I was sitting on the sets outside the bar. The stone digging into my legs. My face blank.

My parents were right. I should have preformed Kohlinar. No emotion was the logical route not whatever this was. If this is love I don't want it.

"It's cold out here, you must be freezing." a southern accent said from behind me and I felt a slight warmth next to me as the person sat down. "Still god damn roasting, guess that's vulcans for you."

He put his jacket around my shoulders.

"She's touching his chest now, he takes off her dress now..." floated from the bar.

"No, take it back don't be illogical." I protested, reaching to remove the leather jacket that was resting on my shoulders.

"I always said chivalry was dead. Don't worry about it darlin'." Bones said, laughing slightly. "I saw what happened Esha and I'm not going to judge you if you want to cry."

No, it's more myself I'm worried about.

"That would be illogical."

He out his arms around me and I leaned into his hug.

It wasn't the same.

Spock was leaner, his arms longer, his body the perfect temperature.
Bones smelled of musk and some kind of scented soap.
Spock always smelled of cotton.

It wasn't the same.

"Let me walk you home."

And so we stood up and walked.

I'm going to snap.

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