Chapter 23

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By chips I mean fries, I'm British XD

"I don't get it." he said leaning back further into the bed post.
"What's not to get?" I asked, grabbing a chip off the plate.
"How did no one ever know of that?" He said gesturing towards the screen, a slight look of confusion crossing his beautiful face.


Pull your self together.
Giving my self a mental slap, I turned to him.

"Because you need to speak snake to open the door and it was just a legend."
"But it's illogical."
"They are attending a school of magic, the whole movie smacks of illogical."

"You know I've always wondered about your name? It's distinctly..." he trailed off looking for the word.

"Human? That's because it is. It's not my real name." I said still looking at the screen.
It wasn't really a big deal.
"An alias?" He said raising both eyebrows.
"No, my real name is on my files. My second name isn't able to be pronounced by humans so I condensed it, I was more... Artful with my first name."
"Esha is a Hindu name meaning desire. My real name is T'aitlu, I thought it was clever?" I said turning to look at him.
"T'aitlu." He mused, "I like that, why don't you call yourself that?"
"I though moving to earth would be abandoning Surak's teachings." I said simply.
"And was it?"
"Not at all."
"Perhaps you should take your old name back, aitlu? As in desire?"
"I did put thought into picking a name for myself."

"Anyway, T'aitlu." he said a slight smirk playing on his lips at using my name, "I... How do the humans do this? Do you... Want to be my girlfriend?"

"Thought you'd never ask."
"I was told three dates were customary."
"And who are we to go against custom?"

And then I kissed him, the human way.
I was doing most things the human way.

I woke up to an alarm sounding out and Spock sat up and turned it off.
"When did we fall asleep?" I asked sleepily.
"Halfway through movie number three."
Sliding out of bed I pulled on my boots and smoothed out my dress.
Then moving to the mirror I pulled my hair up into a bun as it had become messy during sleep.
Going over to Spock I helped him make the bed and gave him a Vulcan kiss.
"I'll see you soon."

Peering down the corridor, I checked it was deserted before returning swiftly to my quarters.
After dressing and pulling my hair into a style more work appropriate I sat down with a book and a glass of water.

A gentle tapping sounded in my door before Spock entered.
"There came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door." I said not bothering to look up from my book.
"Edgar Allan Poe?" He questioned.
"Correct." I said looking up, finding him leaning against the door frame holding out my communicator, his hair was neat, uniform. Not the mussed up way it had been when he had first woke.
"I'm returning this."
"Thank you."
"Im due to start work, il take my leave."
"I'll see you soon"

I was not afforded any peace as my communicator went off shortly after.

"Greetings Sivak." I said picking up the communicator.
"And you T'aitlu, or what was it now? Esha?"
"Either or."
"I'm going to call you T'aitlu. It doesn't make you sound human."
"No but it makes you sound like a xenophobe."
"Temper sister."
"Tolerance brother."
When I was greeted with silence I continued.
"Why did you call?"
"Mother wants to know who that man you were with was?"
"Spock, ambassador Sarek's son."
"The human one?"
"He's half human there's a difference."
"I was just checking."
"Doesn't he only have one son?"
"No he has another one, a lunatic that didn't follow the teachings. I think it was with a princess or something."
"Hmm, Spock never mentioned it."
"Isn't he promised to t'pring?"
"This is unrelated, but yes he is."
"Well should you be consorting with him then?"
"Well t'pring shouldn't be consorting with Stuun."
"You have me there."
"I need to go start work."
"How is space?"
"Can everyone stop talking about it as if I'm floating about in literal space? I work aboard a ship."
"Goodbye sister."
"Goodbye brother."

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