Chapter 36

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"Oh this is darling!" Amanda cooed as we walked through my house and into the garden where a table had been put up and set.

"I'm ordering food, nobody has to suffer my cooking." My mother shugguged, sitting down across from my father.

Our parents talked amongst themselves whilst Spock and I carried out our own conversation.

"He has a crush on her." He stated.
"And she's clueless." I said with an eye roll.
"No idea." Spock said, seconding my opinion.
"And you would logically guess that she would be good at picking up the signals." I started.
"That's true." He agreed.
"She has proven herself adept at this before." I said with an eyebrow quirk. Luckily the door had went and Spock was quick to get up and help.

Our conversation slowed over dinner, which was earth food. I believe my parens where trying their best to accommodate Amanda.

After dinner my father invited Spocks parents inside for a drink and Spock turned to me.

"A walk on the beach? I hear It helps with the digestive system so it would only be logical." He asked.
"Well these shoes aren't." I muttered tossing off my heels. "Why do humans even wear these?"

Holding his hand we walked towards the beach.
As we walked along, we talked about everything and anything.

"Oh, look at the sky. It's truly beautiful." I sighed pointing at the sunset.
"Just like you, then."

Turning to look at him, he had sank to one knee on the sand.

"We started out relationship the human way, and I thought this a logical progression. I can't conceive of a life where you aren't apart of it. I don't want a life without you." He began and my hand flew to my mouth in surprise. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asked.

I nodded and held my hand out and he placed a truly beautiful ring on my finger.

As he stood up, I grabbed him and kissed him deeply. I must have knocked us over as we found ourselves on the sand.

"Show me the ring!"
"Mother you gave me the ring." Spock sighed.
"But I want to see it on your fiancé!" She squealed.
"The ring is beautiful Amanda." I said to the older woman.
"Let me see? Oh it really is." My mother said, peering at the ring.
"Welcome to the family Spock." My father said, patting him on the back.
"The same to you Esha. It's going to be an honour to have you apart of the family." Sarek nodded from across the room.
"I have just the bottle of Armagnac for the occasion." My father clapped, moving over to his drinks cabinet.

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