Chapter 58

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What could be wrong with our lovely Esha? Any guessers?

Spock!" The captain yelled, running into the room, soaking wet with a grin on his face like a cheeky kid. "You alright?"
"Captain, you let them see our ship." I said, furrowing my brows and straightening up.
"He's fine." Bones sighed, shaking his head.

"Bridge to Captain Kirk!" Rang out a voice that definitely wasn't Esha's. My stomach dropped a little bit although I'd never admit it to any of the men standing in front of me.
"Yes lieutenant?" The captain answered grinning.
"Is commander Spock on board sir?" Nyota panted down the coms line and I stared at the two men incredulously. I shouldn't be here, I should by all rights be dead right now.
"Safely and soundly." He smirked.
"Please notify him that his device has successfully detonated."
"You hear that?" Jim said turning around to me again. "Congratulations Spock, you just saved the world."
"You violated the prime directive." I exclaimed, or as close to exlamation I could get while still maintaining a measured tone.
"Oh come on, Spock! They saw us! Big deal!" The captain laughed.
"Star fleet regulation clearly states..."
"Does it matter Spock?' The doctor cut in. "You're alive, that should count for something."
"Where's the lieutenant?" I questioned, changing the subject.
"No, Esha."
"Oh, um, well..." The captain began and Bones cut him off. The cool mask of doctor slid firmly into place, something I could respect no matter how much I didn't want to see it directed at me. It caused my mind to fly straight to the worse case scenario. Lab Explosion? Did the hull breach and flood the area with water drowning her? Did some pathogen get loose?

"Look Spock." Bones began, anticipating my next move before I even began a dash to the medbay and simply putting his hand on my arm and steering me down the corridor. "I've not seen her myself yet but Nurse Chapel has and she is fine. A-okay, just sleeping at the moment."
"Wha-," I stammered and tried to cover it up with a cough. "What happened to her? What's wrong?"
"We don't really know, it sounds like it could be the flu. She's been repeatedly sick all of the ships morning cycle so far, she fainted not too long before we got you back on board and her vitals were a little bit off but other than that she's okay."
"I need to see her now." I demanded, still not calming down.
"Yeah, and I want to check you over 'cause you've been fuckin about in a volcano for ages so we'll agree to compromise."


I woke with a groan to someone flashing a light into my eyes, rather rude if you ask me.
"Ah, so the princess awakes." Bones muttered. "Nice time sleepin', beauty?"
"It was until you put hat light in my eyes." I hissed. "Where's Spock?"
"Open your eyes." Came the smooth calm tone of Spock and I breathed out a sigh of relief. "You know you had me worried." He said softly as my eyes focused of his smooth, undamaged face.
"Me?" I asked, disbelief tinting my tone. "I had you worried? I'm not the adventurous one who's out jumping off into life threatening, illogical  situations in this relationship Mr Spock."
"I'm here now aren't I?" He said and I sat up and slapped him quickly, and rather harder than I originally intended but it got the message across. I said nothing which made the sound of my hand on his cheek even louder.
"Well damn." Bones muttered under his breath and Spock put his hand to his face and flexed his jaw.
"I deserve that don't I?"
"We've barely been married a few weeks and you're off jumping into volcanoes, it was called for."

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