Chapter 57

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The ensign, Carl was dashing about the lab with a bucket while I sat behind one of the counters and desperately tried not to throw up. It was about 9am in the ships day cycle and already we found ourselves at the bottom of the ocean with salt water leaking through the roof into my lab while my husband was being dropped into a live volcano. I was also ill.

This was shaping up to be the honeymoon of my dreams considering that as soon as we arrived back from Vegas we were needed straight away at the academy. Honestly though, would it be a normal day on the enterprise if Spock and Jim didn't dash off to do something stupid and leave me gnawing on my fingers in a store cupboard where nobody could see how illogically emotional I was being?

"How's everything in... Awh for fucks sake!" Scotty yelled as he he passed by the open door before back tracking and stepping into the lab. "Ma bonnie ships absolutely ruined! The waters everywhere!"
"Good morning Scotty." I said before another wave of nausea hit me. "Bucket." I gasped, waving my hand frantically while the other was clamped over my mouth. When I was done saying goodbye to my breakfast, Carl snapped at me, "For gods sakes just go to the medbay!" with his hand on his hip.
"I've got stuff to do." I retorted and Scotty just looked slightly taken aback.
"Aye, maybe ye should jist go see Nurse Chappel. It'd put everyone's minds at rest, ken?"
"Look Scotty, I'm fine. I'm not going back to bed when we're five crew members down and under the ocean." I said in the most level tone I could manage even though I was dying to vomit again. "Now, do you have anything you could do to save my lab and stop the experiments from becoming completely ruined?"
"Dae a fuck!" Scotty said angrily. "The only thing I can dae is fly us away out of here and that no gonny happen while their all namby pamby-ing about out there."
"But my..." I began, before hurling into the bucket again. "Oh that feels slightly better actually."
"I think what she was trying to say was 'but my experiments'" Carl said, grimacing and continuing to hold the bucket. "The salt waters fucking with them, you see"
"Precisely. We've spent an inordinate amount of time on these."
"Look, I canny really help ye but ah hink you should go to the medbay, aye?"
"Not happening." I said, quirking an eyebrow. "Perhaps some meditation but I won't waste nurse Chappells valuable time."

I threw my hand up at Scotty as he went to talk.

Someone was furiously running along the corridor, their feet sliding on the smooth surfaces. Logically, they were coming to find one of us and my mind went into full scale panic mode. I could feel the worry radiating off of this ensign as the barrelled towards us.

Is it Spock?

I dashed out of the lab, knocking my chair over in the process.

"What's going on?" I heard Scotty ask as I ran out of the room and Carl -probably shaking his head- replied "She never tells me what stuff she hears with those ears and that telepathic stuff, I'm of no help."

I was spiriting down the corridor by this point. Skidding round corners in my boots with my hair flying behind me when I almost smacked into a golden clad ensign and we both opened our mouths at the same time.

"Is it Spock?"
"Lieutenant, it's the commander."

My whole world came crashing down around me with those words. I had barely been married for what felt like a week and already my husband was possibly dead.

I only say possibly because I fainted before I could be told the extent of what had actually happened to Spock and I came falling to the floor like my heart fell to my feet.


As a Vulcan, or more accurately half Vulcan, I am able to weather great heats easily, my body is designed to weather them with no effort at all as my home planet is or again, more accurately was consistently roasting hot.

What my body was not designed to withstand was the heat of an active volcano and despite the protection my suit offered I was still figuratively melting as I tried to go about my job and renewed the volcano useless.

This task was originally supposed to be far simpler with a cord keeping me tethered to our ship at all times but this had failed and I found myself crouching on a rock sour rounded by magma and flames which was not the ideal way to be spending the honeymoon period of my recent marriage.

I was filled with nerves I would never, could never admit to. I'd never admit to being afraid  of never again waking up to a pair of icy blue eyes examining every inch of my face. I'd never admit to being afraid of never again hold the hopefully one great love of my life in my arms as she fell asleep, tangle my hands in her golden hair or hear her moan my name and my name only in a fit of passion.

I'd never ever admit to it.

What I would admit to would be being conscious of the fact that if I died the ship would be without a first officer and that could forseeabiy cause issues.

Death was logical. It happens eventually, we all die someday. I'll die, Esha will die and if we have any children, they'll die too but that's not what I'm afraid of. Death isn't the scary thing in this situation.

My body had long since gone into auto pilot mode with my hands darting across my detonator and words spiking out of my mouth to Uhura but all the while all I could focus on was a pair of icy blue eyes and my desire to see them again.

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