Chapter 40

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(so I have a song stuck in my head, you can also get this song stuck in your head bc I've left the link.)

"Captain Kirk has escaped the ship, we can't trace his location." Sulu said, restored to his old position, Spock seated in the chair.

After a debate, we come to the conclusion that Nero is heading for earth. One more planet if we can't stop him.

"Lieutenant." Spock says, turning to me. "You're needed in med bay to deal with our refugees."
I nodded and excused my self, feeling half of the bridges sympathetic gazes searing into my back as I left.

Medbay was a scene of shouting, people being rushed to beds, people trying to find families and a few cries of small children rang through the air sometimes.

"Doctor McCoy!" I called, weaving my way through the refugees.
"Esha!" He shouted pushing back through them, reaching me and engulfing me in a hug. One I uncharacteristically returned. "I'm so sorry."
"Me too." I said with a hint of sadness ebbing unit my tone but I caught myself. "But now isn't the time."
"You have to grieve." He reasoned, kindly, but oh so typical of him.

Control your emotions lest they control you.

"And that will be when I wipe the dust of my planet from my face and know it's the last time I touch home." I snapped, "Now what do you need done here?"
"I need a place for the refugees that isn't here. I don't have the room." He groaned, gesturing at the room full to bursting with Vulcans.
"How many made it off planet?" I questioned, not sure I wanted the answer.
I balked a little at that.
"I'll deal with it." I said, nodding and scanning the crowd.


There was a small child, sitting pushing his way through adults, calling for his mother and being largely ignored. He could only have been five or six.

"Have you lost your mother?" I ask, kneeling down to his level.
"She said she'd get me on the ship when we had to leave." he explained. "but I can't see her anywhere."
"Well, come with me." I said, picking him up and sitting him on my hip. "Lets see if we find anyone you know?"
He nodded, putting his thumb in his mouth.
"I'm T'aitlu, but you can call me Esha. I prefer it. Do you have a name?"
"Sopek." He murmured. "Do you work on the ship?"
"I do, I'm a science officer."
"Is it like the academy?" He questioned, perking up.
"It's quite different. You learn a lot of different things in starfleet." I explained.
"Is it fun?"
"Well, define fun?"
"I'm not sure. Some people said it was an emotion but I thought it was a concept."

"Esha?" I hear a voice call through the crowd.
"Thank Valdena you're okay." She sighed.
"Look, I need you to watch Sopek for me. I need to get everyone out of med-bay so Doctor McCoy can begin to properly treat the wounded."
"What?" She asked confusedly.
"He can't find his mother." I said, before mouthing 'She's dead' when he wasn't looking at me.

"I have no idea how you're going to be heard over this racket." The doctor said, brushing past me.
"I would climb on a table, that's bound to catch people's attention." T'pring suggested.
"I know that was sarcastic but I'm actually going to take you seriously." I said, climbing onto one of the tables.

"Everybody!" I shouted, trying and failing to get people's attentions.

"Shut up and listen to the woman!" Christine shouted, stress evident in her voice as she moved through the crowd, hair falling over her eyes and carrying medicines. Quiet fell over the room.

"I need all who are not in need of medical attention or able to give medical help to follow me!"

A murmured assent fell over the room and I jumped down from the table and headed down the corridor, the remains of my people at my back.

"Ensigns, I need blankets, cots, anything you can get these people." I snapped at the two red shirted men.

Leaving them and fiddling with the environment controls, I raised the heat significantly and set off to find T'pring.

"Esha, you remember Stark?" T'pring said, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor.
"How could I forget?" I sighed.
"I apologise if my presence displeases you." He said, speaking up.
"I did not mean for it to sound that way. It's just been a particularly straining day."I said, narrowing my eyes slightly. I didn't mean for it to sound that way but his presence certainly displeased me.

"Is Spock alright?"
"He's fine." I replied and T'pring nodded her acknowledgement.
"Why would you care?" Stark questioned, "Someone like him doesn't matter."
"Don't speak of him in that way." I said, bluntly.

"How many years has it been, Stark? Still you try and illicit an emotional response from me?" Spock cut in, coolly.
"What happened?" I said, spinning round to face him.
"It's easier I show you." he said, preforming the mind meld.

Jim had appeared back on board and had began pushing Spock, about the murder of Amanda to dissuade him from insisting and regrouping with the fleet.

"She was murdered Spock! You just want to run and cower?"

This caused a fight to break out before the ambassador stepped in a broke it apart.

"Your mother would have said not to bother controlling it Spock, rage, it fill all of us today. You asked me once why I married your mother, I married her because I loved her."

Breaking apart, I hugged him.
"Your mother was the best of us."

It took an unsurprisingly short time for Stark to start his Xenophobic rantings and I punched him square in the nose, my patience wearing thin.

Judging from the thick flow of emerald blood I had broken it. Shaking out my hand, I turned to him, my face as blank of emotion as I could make it. "One more word out of you and I break something more substantial."

T'pring burst into laughter at this, taking us all by surprise. "This has to be a dream. Vulcans gone, almost everyone's dead, we're an endangered species and now Esha's throwing punches and I'm laughing. Who would have guessed all it took to put me over the edge was tragedy?" She snorted. "Forewarning, there's about 27 years of repressed emotion that just opened the flood gates on."

"I'm going to the bridge." I say simply because T'pring is right. This whole thing would be so much better as a dream, a storybook or a movie. it's an improbable tragedy.

"You didn't have to punch him." Spock murmured.
"Are you denying that he had that coming? It was the logical thing to do."
"But you didn't have to punch him for me."
"No you're right, but I wanted too."

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