Chapter 37

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"Why do I feel like a child being given into trouble." Jim said, answering the Skype call. 
"You're obviously more qualified to answer that." I retorted.
"Oh sassy."
"We have some news." I said.
"Are you breaking up with me over Skype?"
"That would require us being romantically involved in the first place." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Oh and here I thought we had a sexual connection."
"Jim." Spock said.
"It was so intense!"
"Jim." He repeated.
"Was it really all one sided-."
"Kirk." I snapped my fingers at the screen.
"Stop flirting with my fiancée." Spock said raising an eyebrow.
"Oh shit man! Congrats!"
"So the flirting?" Spock questioned.
"Not gonna stop that... But is there a ring? Do vulcans do that?"
"Yes and no." I said.
"Oh, feeling rebellious."
"Not quite rebellious."
"Well.. How's shore leave?"
"A fascinating view into a life of domesticity." I relied, a hint of a smirk. 
"I can't picture you settling down, like in a house with little baby Spocks."
"Spocks? As in plural?" I questioned.
"Oh so you do want kids?"
"I can list many pros and cons for this idea. Mostly cons for me."
"That's not denial."
"Why are we discussing this?"
"Because I enjoy invading peoples private life's."

"Say it again." Bones stated.
"This is illogical, I've said it three times"
"I'm sorry I'm just trying to comprehend how stupid you've been!" He hissed.
"Can you calm down? Control your emotions."
"So you're now engaged to the very sane man that cheated on you?"
"Yes." I clarified.
"You're an idiot."
"How so?"
"Cheaters always cheat." He said matter of factly.
"Show me what you have to back that up."
"It's just common knowledge."
"Not on Vulcan, must be a human thing."
"You're forgetting he's half human." He retorted.
"You're forgetting he's half Vulcan."
"You're so naive and it's going to be the end of you."
"Can you not just be... What's the thing humans do?" I asked. 
"Happy? I can't be happy because I know how this ends!"
"Or is it because you're jealous?"
"What would you know about jealousy?" He snapped
"I may not be entirely perceptive of emotions but I can pick up on that one Leonard."
"You're actually unbelievable."
"That's illogical."
"Its a god damned expression, and I'm not jealous!" He snapped, ending the call.

"You're a heartbreaker!" T'pring called, walking towards me.
"Says the woman dating my husband." I said, raising an eyebrow.
"Says the woman marrying mine." She said with a hint of a smirk.
"Why is everything so complicated?"
"I ask myself that often too." She shrugged. "Well, show me the ring."

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