Chapter 33

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"If you continue at this rate we're never going to make the shuttle." I commented, leaning against the door and watching Spock route through his things.
"I'm looking for my communicator." he said scanning the room again.
Raising my eyebrow I said "it's on the kitchen table."
"Would it have not been logical to tell me earlier?"
"You never asked." I shrugged, helping him tidy the room.

"Okay. let's go."

Stepping off of the shuttle and breathing in the shi'khar air was wonderful.

It felt Vulcan.
Not like the enterprise, not like earth but like home.

"Hop in kids!" Amanda called, rolling down the window of her car.
Spock stuck the bags in the trunk and I slid into the back street.

"Thank you for this Mrs..."
"Oh just call me Amanda dear." she said cutting me off, smiling. "I don't feel old enough to be a mrs."

"I hope you and father are in good health?" Spock asked, sitting in the front seat next to his mother.
"Oh everything's been fine! We've been having a heat wave here! Even your father is finding it hot!" She exclaimed.
Amanda had a presence that radiated love and compassion. I'm surprised any Vulcan could be around her without breaking into a beaming smile. I was struggling not to.

Spock chatted to his mother as we drove through the city, the buildings passing in a blur.

"So are you two official now?" Amanda asked, briefly looking at me and then back to the road.
"Yes, it's been quite a few months now." I said fiddling with a strand of my hair.
"So your getting serious then?"
"Yes mother, we moved in together not too long ago."
"The apartments still a mess and Spock struggles to find anything." I said rolling my eyes, referencing his manic hunt for his communicator this morning.
"He was always like that." Amanda laughed. "Wonderful brain when it came to things like science and logic, brain like a sieve when it comes to where he put things."

She turned on the radio to a channel that played popular earth songs and we rode the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

After unpacking and eating lunch with Amanda, we caught the underground over to my parents.
It was a hot day for Vulcan, all I really wanted to do was get to the beach.

"Welcome, it's been too long Spock." my mother said stoically from the door.
"Don't be illogical T'prai." My father said appearing behind my mother. "Let them in."
"I'm not being illogical Sumak." my mother said raising her eyebrow and stepping aside to let us in.

"How's starfleet?" My father questioned.

After about and hour of questioning I finally got down by the sea and I dived straight in while Spock sat in the shade.

Stepping up of the sea I lay down on the ground and sunbathed. It wasn't long till I was joined by Spock.

"Finally some alone time." he said, kissing me.
"Savour it, it's probably all we'll get." I said, bringing my hands up to tangle in his hair.

"Public displays of affection. Earth has changed you." A voice came floating down.

"Scratch that then." he said rolling off of me.

"Hello T'Pring." I said, sitting up.
"Am I interrupting?"
""Not at all." I said talking over the top of Spock.
"So how is Star Fleet?"
"It's fine, even if the ship is a bit cold." I shrugged.
"It's not cold when you get your hands on the environmental controls." Spock said pointedly, arching his eyebrow.
"Are you complaining?"
"Well shush." I said poking him in the ribs and he caught my hand.
"Well this is sickening. Cute but sickening." T'pring said, lying down.
"I've seen you and Stuun together. That is sickening." I challenged raising my eyebrows.
"He's off planet anyway, so you won't have to ideal with our sickening antics."
"I'm so pleased to hear that."

"Language!" My mother called as she came with three bottles of water. "It would be illogical to let yourselves get dehydrated." she said passing us the bottles before returning up to the house.

"Your mother is extraordinarily strict," Spock remarked.
"If I was human i'd laugh." T'pring commented, turning onto her back.
"Do you recall the time that Simar's mother smacked him for saying 'happy days'?" I asked, opening my water bottle.
"And he tried to run away but only got to the end of the street?"
"Oh that boy was illogical in every sense."

We sat out on the beach long after the sun went down reminiscing and just talking around the small fire we had made. Well Spock had made, T'pring had played the helpless damsel and I had been more focused on other things. Specifically the sight of Spock building the fire.

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