Chapter 35

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"Where's Spock?" I asked, wandering into the kitchen.
"Oh he's away out with his father, they shouldn't be long." Replied Amanda cheerfully.


"I'm not one to stand in the way of my daughters wishes." Shrugged Sumak.
"Then it's settled, I'll tell Amanda and we can meet tonight. Sort the technicalities." My father said, placing his hand on my back. A move he had perfected over the years. Away to gauge my feelings while looking innocent at the same time.
"Where I do think that's a good idea, I want to do it he human way." I shrugged his hand off of my back.
"Elaborate, son." My father said, arching his eyebrow.
"We should all go for dinner. It would be a good chance for us all to get to know each other better, catch up even. But I want to do his the human way."
"The human way?" Father questioned, a hint of surprise tinting his tone.
"Yes father, the human way. Not entirely but essentially yes."

"Where's Esha?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. It was the epicentre of life in my parents house.
"Jogging, why?" Mother asked, looking up form her book.
"He's proposing Amanda." Father said nonchalantly, making tea.
"Let me see the ring!" Mother exclaimed exitedly, jumping up form her seat.
"You forgot the ring, son." Father mused unhelpfully.
"It's okay! I have my grandmothers one!" My mother squeaked disappearing up the stairs and shortly returning with a velvet box. Passing it to me I poped it open.

Inside the box was a stunning emerald ring, offset by diamonds and encased in swirling bands of silver, it was definitely perfect.

"Thank you Mother."
"You're welcome dear! I'm just so happy." She said engulfing me in a hug.

I stuck the box in the pocket of my trousers just in time as the front door opened and Esha appeared. A sheen of sweat clung to her, giving her green tinged skin a shiny look.

"I'm going for a shower."
I might just join her.

"Formal?" She said holding up a dress.
She was really trying to make a good impression in my parents which I found adorable.
"Semi-formal." I mused.
"This?" She said, swapping the dresses.
"Yeah, something to that effect."
"Your enthusiasm is endearing." Esha said with an eye roll.
"I'm not a clothing specialist. "
Just look at it and give me your opinion."
"Super cute." I said, imitating one of the squeaky ensigns on the bridge and Esha disappeared into the bathroom, snorting.

Reappearing she was in the yellow dress. It had delicate floral patterns all over the fabric.
"Opinion? She questioned.
"Yeah that." I nodded.
"What are you wearing?" She questioned.
"If I was human I would laugh." She said bluntly.
"Dress trousers, shirt." I shrugged before moving my hands above my head.
"Now that sounds pretty formal." She said, raising her eyebrow.
"It's not." I rebuked.
"It is, now I need to change." She said, rolling her eyes, looking down at me with her hand on her hip.
"No you don't, don't be illogical." I said, sitting up.

Turning her back on me, she did her make up and I got changed into the aforementioned outfit.

"Shall we?"

I'm gonna make the dinner and the proposal into a different chapter when I'm not fussing to meet deadlines XD

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