Chapter 7

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Esha's Pov


It was raining.

A concept I was quite unfamiliar with.
It never rained in shi' khar.
My father was one of the two ambassadors to earth and thought this would be "culturally enlightening" to Bring me and my two siblings to earth

I believe ambassador sarek's family was here too.


Even though they have the technology for perfect weather they refuse to use it.

So cold rain it is.

My long hair was getting soaked in the down poar as I aimlessly wanders with my pet.

Regulations usually required it cut short but my parents down right refused to.

Most illogical

My phone buzzed.
The name on the screen alerting me to te fact it was my "best friend" T'pring .

"You took your time calling"
"I had good reason, how's earth"
"Wet, cold and wet"
"Are you at a lake house?"
"No. it's raing"
"I am a bad liar"
"Your morally obliged not to lie"
"We appear to be at an impasse"
"You really don't say do you?"
"It rubs off on one"
"Don't refer to yourself in the third person It's creepy"
"T'pring, by now you should know I strive to creep you out"
"And you succeed, I'll have to hang up now Esha. Hurry back to Vulcan."
"Il attempt to. good bye"

I finished the conversation. My mind was all over the place.

I walked to the house the to ambassadors were sharing, let my pet run off somewhere in the house and proceeded to my room.

It was white with black furniture an dark wood trimmings.

I arraigned the black pillows and blankets and proceed to meditate.

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