Chapter 31

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"Oh my god! You turned it down." The ensign exlaimed.
"Obviously. It's not to accommodate you however, the tribbles don't like it when the lab is hot." I said raising my eyebrow.
"So we are pandering to the tribbles and not me?"
"Do you want me to inject you with this? I'm quite confident it's going to have horrible side effects but I would appreciate being able to test it on a human." I said calmly, turning to face the ensign with a syringe in my hand.

"You seem tense."
"Your not the first person to say that ensign, now can you leave me be?"

"Tested and ready." I said, placing down the vial in the med bay.
"Esha! We would really apricate help here!" Christine called from the trauma bay.
"Scrub in, we're a couple nurses short and this is a massive trauma!"

Intrigued, I washed my hands and snapped on latex gloves and a plastic apron before entering the trauma bay.

"Okay, let's do the who. Ensign log it into the system, I need your help with anaesthetics." The doctor said turning to me.

"Leonard McCoy, Trauma doctor, Consultant."
"Christine Chapel, Trauma fellow."
"T'aitlu, just start with Swarn and my surname will pop up. Stand in anaesthetics administrator."
"Yeah, it's Vulcan."

"What happened?" Spock said, putting his hand out and stopping me passing him.
"What do you mean?" I asked arching an eyebrow.
"You're covered in blood that's definitively not your own."

Looking down I noticed he was right. I must have been soaked at some point during surgery.

"It's in your hair." he commented. "fascinating."

Oh, don't do it.
That word in his mouth made my knees weak.

"It's logical I go and wash this out of my hair."

"Permission to board?"
"Yeah sure. Just really me and you tonight again." The Captian sighed and I made my way over to my station. I only really worked in the bridge during night, preferring instead to spend my time in med-bay and in the lab.

"Honestly I'm beginning to think you don't sleep." he commented laughing.
"I don't, I've not slept in 10 days." I said, punching in a command to the keypad.
"10 days? That's not healthy. Go to bed." he said, surprised.
"I'm perfectly okay. Vulcans can go two or three weeks without sleep, this is perfectly normal."
"Well, you learn a new thing everyday, don't you?"
"Statistically..." I started.
"Esha!" He snapped.
"I'm just being logical." I said, eyebrow raised.
"It's too late for that."

The night passed by uneventfully. I did however end up with a Facebook account, something I was surprised to find T'pring on.

"Spock?" I called across the lab.
"Yes?" He replied.
"I require your assistance."

Spock quickly crossed the lab and was at my side.

"What do you need help with?"
"You need to hold that still right now while I measure this out."

After measuring the acid into a tube I turned to face Spock and found he was staring at me.

And then my lips got caught in his.

"So I'm forgiven?" He said as we rested our foreheads together.
"Yes, just never drink again."

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