Chapter 24

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"It wasn't easy to manufacture doctor."
"It can have been that hard."
"It exploded several times."
"Well thanks, I appreciate it."

Spock's POV

"Hey Spock!" Uhura said jogging to catch up with me, "Jim said you had something you wanted to ask me?"
"I don't? Did the captain say what it was?"
"No... Just that it was something important?"
"There's been an obvious mistake. Apologies lieutenant."

I need to have words with Jim, I know exactly what he's told her.

Esha's POV.

"Completely covered in rainforest, few man made clearings for huts." I finished, listing off the information to the captain.
"Alright I'll take down a landing party, Spock, Chekov, Martin and Whyte; transporter room in 30 minutes."

I entered the elevator with Spock.
"Stay safe." I said, holding my fingers out in the symbol of love.
"Of course I will. You do the same while I'm gone?"
"I promise." and going up on the tips of my toes I gave him a different kind of kiss.

"Esha?" The doctor called entering the lab, "God damn it's roasting in here." he muttered, but of course I heard.
"Thank you!" The ensign shouted, apparently the doctor wasn't as quiet as he thought.
"Huh?" I said, poking my head around the corner as I was in a store cupboard.
"That medicine you made was great! It's cured it already! I'm going to take it to Star Fleet!"
"That's exemplary news, we will definitely present it to Star fleet doctor, I'm happy to hear this."
"Figure of speech."
"I'll contact starfleet."

"I'm turning down the heat."
"Did you live in Antarctica? It's the only logical reason I can conceive of as to why you always turn the heat so low."
"No, Scotland but it's six and half a dozen."
"Don't turn down the heat."

Shortly after bones left Uhura appeared, apparently I wasn't getting work done.

"Hey! I have you halloween costume!"
"You know what that is, don't you?"
"Is that the pagan one where you try and scare spirits away?"
Uhura paused for a minute thinking, a confused look on her face, "Technically. Anyway your going as an elf! It was to good an opportunity to pass up."
"Yeah because of the whole ears thing!"
"I've got your costume for you and everything so come round to my room before the party?"
"There's a party?"
"Spock knows about it just ask him."

That was... Strange. Did she have a falling out with Spock? Fascinatingly illogical...

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