Chapter 18

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7k, Jesus, I love you guys

A familiar golden light enveloped us and we were beamed aboard the enterprise.

I was happy to be aboard, it had begun to feel like home win all these humans aboard.

It's not so,etching I had ever envisioned myself loving, well I had never envisioned myself loving anything. The Vulcan tenants had always played a big part in my life but now u was starting I see that they weren't so bad.

Though I could see how they had aided me many times throughout my life, logic was a rock I desperately clung to.

"A job well done!, Ensign take this to engineering Scotty knows what to do with it" the captian said smiling.

"The commander needs to see doctor McCoy immediately." Looking at Spock wincing and trying to hide it. "As does the lieutenant, my hand is nothing I can't fix with meditation" he said, directing the last part at the captian.

"Thats a third degree burn, I am perfectly capable of dealing with sleep issues myself, you however need to see the doctor." I said, my voice painfully calm.

"Your being illogical." Spock said raising an eyebrow.

"You know I've never seen two vulcans fight, it's so weird." The captain said intervening,"however both of you go to bones, I don't want an ill crew" he said walking out of the transporter room laughing.

"And that's an order!" He called from the corridor as me and Spock looked at each other eyebrows raised.

"She's in perfect health Spock, now I am not checking your lady friend over a third time!" Bones said exasperated as I lay on one of the beds in the med bay, Spock sat on the one next to me.

"That's illogical"
"The lieutenant is not my lady friend"

"Look she's fine, but I need to look at your hand!" The doctor sighed as I sat up and left the med bay.

"Permission to enter the bridge?" I asked standing in the doorway.

"Granted" the captain said, smiling at me.

Not retuning the smile I took my seat in front of a control panel.

"What did doctor McCoy say?" The captain said turning his chair to face me.

"I'm in perfect health, the commander is being attended to now."

"What happened to Spock?" Uhura cut in, a worried expression on her face, "is he going to be okay?"

"He's fine, he simply made and illogical decision and was burned." I stated, raising an eyebrow at her expression.

"I saw two Vulcans fight today" the captain said breaking the awkward silence, "it was really weird."

"It was not a fight captain." I said as Uhura talked over the top of me,

"How does that even work?" She said furrowing her brow,

"Well, there's lots of eyebrow raising and the word illogical is used alot" the captain said laughing.

"That's illogical." I protested trailing off.

Did I really say illogical that much?

Kirks POV

"It's really not hard!" I said laughing,

"I get the premise, I don't get the purpose." Esha said, monotone of course. A slight furrowing in her slanted eyebrows.

"I'm going to flip this board soon, speak for yourself. I hate monopoly" Uhura sighed.

Our shifts had ended at the same time and we had decided to teach Esha earth cultures, wich was turning out to be hilarious.

"Just cause your in jail.." I muttered at Nyota.

"With all due respect, shut up!" She laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"What about scrabble?" I suggested, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"You know that Esha's going to win." Nyota said rolling her eyes.

"That's illogical, you can't possibly guess that"

"Illogical, drink!" Uhura called.

As myself and Uhura took another shot, Esha's eyebrow raised even further.

"fascinating.." She muttered.

"New game please?" Uhura sighed.

"Twister!" I volunteered excitedly.

"No because with you it would be played half naked." Uhura rolled her eyes.

"Why would you play a game semi-clothed?" Esha asked, eyebrow raised of course.

"Well if we played it you'd find out" I said winking at her.

"That's it we're playing connect four!" Nyota said throwing up her hands.

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