Chapter 38

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Like ten minutes late but idgaf it's kinda on time.

"Here are the test results for the landing party, foreign pathogens." I said, wandering into medical bay and Bones rounded the corner, snatched the files off of me and walked away.

"That is one hell of a rock! How do I get a man to give me that?" Christine laughed.

"You're being petty." I called to the doctor, nodding to Nurse Chapel.

"Me? I'm being petty? You're being petty." He said, reappearing.
"I'm not capable of pettiness." I protested.
"Because you're cold hearted." He hissed.
"Vulcans are actually..." I began to correct him.
"Not literally!"
"You should have specified." I shrugged.
"You're unbelievable, not literally."
"You're being illogical, I'll be on the bridge."

"Hey sexy!" Jim laughed, not taking his eyes off if Spock's head the entire time.
"Just trying to annoy your fiancée." He said indifferently.
"You're not going to illicit an emotional response from me." Spock called over.

"Medical files." I said passing the bundle over.
"It's a new kind of pathogen I've never seen the likes of before."
"Less awesome."

"Can I see the ring?" Uhura asked, wandering over to my station.
"This is a custom?" I asked, confused.
"Nope, just want to judge." She shrugged, laughing
Presenting my hand Uhura gave the ring a once over. "Holy shit, that's big. Don't go swimming."
"I don't understand?"
"She's insinuating you would sink from the size of the ring." Sulu said before turning and looking at the ring. "Jesus, how much money are you making?" He asked Spock.
"Family heirloom." He replied, not looking away from his station.
"Will you help me carry these?" Uhura said turning to me.
"Of course." I replied, picking up a pile of papers and following her to the elevator.

As the doors closed, she turned to me.
"About kissing Spock, I'm so so sorry. I had no idea and I have more respect for you than that and if I'd known and you're my best friend..." She began to a babble.
"I'm you're best friend? I get the impression in insufferable from most people." I commented, raising my eyebrow.
"That's what you took from that whole thing?"
"I know you're sorry. It's actually overwhelming me right now."
"I forgot you were telepathic." She laughed slightly. "We're okay?"
"I don't have the will power to keep up lasting animosity. It's draining."

And then I was engulfed in a hug. Humans were so touchy-feely.

"Niet! Zis is unfair!" Checkov whined as I caught the thrown candy yet again. "Commander! Vill you join my team?"
"I have work to do." Spock stated, continuing to type away. "Don't the rest of you?"
"No." I shook my head.
"It's my break." Uhura laughed.
"I'm still doing stuff." Jim protested.
"You're a horrible mulittasker, if it wasn't for Esha's reflexes no one would have caught any of the skittles." Uhura laughed.
"You'd be surprised."
"This is entirely illogical and inefficient." I commented, catching the flying candy before Pavel even made a move.
"Yeah, but you're ridiculously good." Nyota laughed.
"Vulcans have superior reflexes." I said, indifferently.
"Vich is vhy I vant ze commander."
"Come on Spock! Make it intresting!" The Captain urged.
"How you find this intesting I will never understand." Spock said finally caving in. "If I do this will I be given peace to complete my tasks?"

"This is close."
"It's illogical to state the obvious." I murmured.
"Spock grabs the skittle, can Esha pull this back?"

Why am I so focused on skittle catching? There would have been days I would have just turned up my nose and continued with my work. There's no logical value to this and everything I've been taught says this is wrong. If it doesn't have a logical purpose it shouldn't be.

"Esha catches the skittle!"
"I think these are m&ms now."

Placing my fingers on top of Spocks briefly. "As the humans say, you're going down."
"Watch me, dear."

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