Chapter 52

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(Using the default name for Treveylan and Cassandra because I ship it so much) NOT EDITED

"Who actually lives on farms?" I question, leaning my head against the window of the cab as we drove down winding dirt roads to reach my mother.
"Farmers, for a start." Spock shrugged. "And now apparently your mother."
"What's she doing on a farm?" I said, shaking my head. "She's a nurse."
"Perhaps she wanted a career change?" He said, beginning to become slightly exasperated with my whining.
"But it's dirty, why would anyone want to work in the dirt?"
"You're not afraid of a little dirt are you?"
"No, I just dislike it. Severely."
"Whatever you say." He retorted with a roll of his dark eyes.

Pulling up to the farm and paying the cab driver, I stepped into the dreaded mud and cringed when it squelched against my shoe.

"This is illogical, where is the path?" I asked, throwing my hands up as I looked around.
"You're on it." Spock shrugged, striding past me towards the large farmhouse.

I could already see my mother on the large wraparound porch, standing and glaring most likely.

I tried to remember what Spock had said about how we should cherish what little family we had left but in this moment I would have rather been just about anywhere else. Why couldn't shore leave have been on some distant star base where I could have ignored everything?

"Hello, mother." I greeted, waving halfheartedly and she raised her eyebrow and rather pointedly said "Hello Spock." First before turning to me. "Why are you here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I could ask you the same question." I scoffed.
"I'm staying with family." She shrugged and I furrowed my eyebrows and stomped up onto the porch. "You don't have family on earth."
"No but your father did."
"No he didn't?"
"Was that a statement or a question, you need to make yourself clear."
"Dont patronise me. Tell me about this family?"
"They're humans..."
"Yes you're an eighth human." She said with a roll of her eyes, "did you never even wonder why you were blonde?"
"Should we perhaps meet them?" Spock interjected. "It's illogical to stand and argue."

Rolling her eyes and placing her hand on her hip, she called through into the house. "Cassandra?  Maxwell?"
"Are they here?" A well educated and distinctly masculine voice called back in response.
"We'll invite them in then!" A higher female voice chastised and I smirked at my mothers annoyance, albeit discreetly.

Moving past my mother into the house, I was surprised that it wasn't horrible. I had no idea what I expected but I had thought that there would be at least some hay in the floor or an animal running ragged but there wasn't even a dog.

The house had flagstone floors that looked worn with time and stone walls and it was most definitely old, although the couple that inhabited it managed to keep it looking modern.

"Pleasure to meet you." The warm voice of Cassandra rang out. She was a tall and muscular woman with short dark hair and crown braid that I couldn't logically work out where all of the hair required came from. Cassandra was far from being a tomboy however, as she wore smudged and dark eyeliner purposefully and makeup to highlight her already angular cheekbones.

"Likewise." Maxwell smiled. He was taller than his partner and significantly more muscular with short, undercut brown hair and matching eyes that watched you with cold and calculating accuracy. The most interesting thing about maxwell was his left arm, or lack off as the limb stopped bead after the elbow. "Need a hand with anything?" He joked and Cassandra smacked him upside the head. "Let's go sit down, shall we?"


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