Chapter 21

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Stepping out of the shower, I was aware of my dress clinging to me but in this moment I could care less.

I was more focused on the burning sensation in my lips. Burning was he only comparable feeling but this felt pleasant.

Looking at Spock I could see a slight tinge of green in his face and I'm sure I mirrored him.

Retrieving towels out of a cabinet next to the shower I passed one to Spock.
"We're going to need to walk back to our quarters wet." He stated.
"Or we could stay in here till we're dry? It would be more logical."I said rubbing my hair with the towel
"I'm sure we could find something to amuse ourselves with." He mused.
"I mean it's only logical that we're productive." I added.
"Precisely." he nodded.

And our lips crashed together for the second time today.

After what Uhura would describe as a "make out session" we sat at one of the tables talking.
"You know I'm starting to like this human kissing?" He said.
"It's certainly more... enthusiastic than hand kissing." i said raising an eyebrow.
"I think this is passable" he said looking down at himself "shall we?"

"Let's go."

As we walked down the corridor he turned to me, "when are you done with your work for today?"

"Considering the fact my work decorates the walls of the lab? I believe it's only logical to call it done for today."

"Meet me in the cafeteria for lunch?" He asked,
"Only if it followed up by dinner."
"Of course"
"Call it a date."
"I was intending to."

With the slightest hint of a smirk playing on my face I shut the door to my quarters.
This gave me enough time to prepare myself for this date. I needed to gain some composure.

Showering dressing and as I was begging to meditate, should I use makeup? Should I do my hair?

Getting up I rummaged in a drawer and pulled out perfume, spraying it all over.
That was as far as my knowledge of beauty regimes went.
And lip gloss.

Sinking into a medatitive state, I gained some degree of composure.

Rising I walked toward my Vulcan lute, and I began to play a tune.

It was a Vulcan folk song, almost lost as it had no educational value whatsoever.

My father hated to see things lost to the ages or the changing of times.

Placing the lute down, I didn't have to wait long before Spock arrived at my door and I greeted him with a Vulcan hand kiss.

As Im sure I've said before.

Little things.

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