Chapter 60

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Leonard McCoy was drunk. However, he was not as drunk as James T. Kirk.

"I really am sorry I shouted at you." Jim slurred, reaching up to pat me on the side of the face as Nyota and I tried to get him home, while Bones stumbled on ahead, humming the tune that had been blasting in a loop throughout the night.
"I forgive your emotional response, Jim."
"I'm not even that angry at Spockaroo, I mean he's my buddy, ya know."
"Fucking Spock-a-roo." Uhura muttered under her breath and I assume it was accompanied with a roll of the eyes. "How did he even get this drunk?"
"It probably had something to do with all the... With all the..." I stumbled, freezing. It had been along time since sow thing like this had happened. I couldn't believe I was being so stupid and forgetful. Uhura let out a peal of laughter in response before continuing ahead.
"You've forgotten the word haven't you?" She giggled and I nodded mutely. "You're lucky that I'm such a skilled translator then. Hit me with the Vulcan, I need to practice anyway."
"Naliveh is all that's coming to mind." I muttered embarrassed.
"Oh! Alcohol! Yeah it definitely had something to do with all the alcohol he chugged." How could I forget the word for alcohol? Something so common and so simple? "We gotta allow the man some leeway, he's had a tough week."
"So we allow him to pickle his insides?"
"It's human culture, Blondie, babe!" Bones yelled over his shoulder. "I mean it's practically tradition."
"Yeah I mean cmon, you guys must get totally mashed when shit happens?"
"Mmm, no."
"We meditate, it's kind of our answer to everything." I mused. "Too angry? Meditate. Not enough sleep? Meditate. Illness..."
"Meditate!" Uhura and Bones shouted in unison.
"Ah, yes. You appear to have a firm grasp of the concept."
"Ha, firm grasp." Jim chuckled and I withstood the urge to slap him upside his head.

"Ah look, your apartment, goodbye." I said swiftly, removing his arm from my shoulder and straightening up.
"I'll take him up." Uhura said with a smile. "I'll get him into bed all nice and snug."
"Shall I wait for you here?"
"Nah, I'll probably just sleep on his couch, provided there's not some weird alien chick already camped there. You go ahead and get the doctor home."
"I would like you to know I enjoyed the excursion tonight." I said, blank faced and Uhura broke into a smile and gave me a quick hug.
"You're pretty cool sometimes Esha, you know that? Don't answer that it was rhetorical."
"Goodnight, Nyota." I replied simply, a smile tugging gently at my top lip.

"Right Leonard, home time."
"Ugh, I'm not even that drunk." He groaned, throwing an arm around my shoulder as we set off down the streets.
"That is precisely what a drunk man would say."
"It's a paradox."
"Big word for a drunk guy." I retorted with an eyebrow quirked.
"Yeah, cause I'm not even that drunk." He said with a roll of his eyes so strong it was almost audible.
"You drank a lot Bones."
"Nothin' like a walk in the cool night air to sober up, is there?" He questioned, and then tripped over his own feet proving my point.

I'd only had a few small drinks but I still had to go stand, leaning my forehead against a wall with my shoulders shaking, trying to conceal my laughter. Truly this planet had the most negative effect on my emotional psyche.

"Stop laughing at my pain!" Bones yelled from his position on the ground and I waved my hand at him in response. I was out in the street, I wasn't going to burst out laughing, was I? Surely not in public.

"Come on, let's get you up. It's illogical to stay out in such freezing temperatures." I said, pushing myself away from the wall, pulling my coat tight around me and offering the doctor a hand.
"Illogical for you and your ice water blood I'd say. It's a lovely mild night for me."
"Shut up, let's get you home."

The rest of the walk was punctuated by the surprisingly in tune singing of Bones. The more and more he did the more I struggled to bite back my smile. "Just give it up, I've seen you smile before." He jibed poking me in the side. "You've got a beautiful smile, even though it's pretty unnerving when you do it."
"This is more of a battle of wills with myself, though."
"Wishing you could meditate?"
"No I'm just wishing Vulcans believed in needless violence and I could punch you in the face."
"Ah, hurt my feelings there darlin'."
"Sorry, I don't know what that is." I joked, deadpanning and he burst out laughing.

"Here we are! Home sweet home!" He yelled turning the corner and I nodded in response.
"Get to bed safe, alright?"
"Wait, wait, wait." Bones huffed, throwing his hands up. "You are not walking home alone at this time."
"It's dark, it's late, it's cold and there are sketchy people wandering around. Plus I couldn't call my self a good southern gentleman if I let a lady walk home alone."
"I think that's just a sexist."
"Shut up and get in the apartment." He said with a laugh, shoving me into the the doorway.

I pulled my communicator out and fired a quick message off to Spock while I walked up the stairs behind Bones and he fumbled for his key.

"This night out has gone on far longer than expected, please throw this in my face as an example the next time I think I can go drinking with humans. I'm going to sleep on Bones' couch/floor/bathtub/ literally any flat and preferably soft surface because it's more logical than walking home."
"Good, I was worried."  Was his instant reply. Of course he was still awake, I shouldn't have stayed out all night and not contacted him, it was foolish.
"Why are you still awake?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
"Because I was worried."  There was a slight pause in his replying before the next message popped onto my communicator. "And perhaps I got bored and thought it would be logical to do something productive with my time so I naturally cooked. A lot. There is lots and lots of ameelah now, too much even."
"Go to bed Spock."

"Asking Spock's permission to have a sleepover?" Bones asked with a smirk as he swung open the door.
"I don't need permission."
"Good." He muttered ushering me into his apartment.

I'd been here once or twice before. It was small but not cramped and was fairly bright and airy, or at least it was when the sun was up.

"Did you redecorate?" I asked, making small talk as he slammed around the kitchen looking for more alcohol.
"Did I redecorate? Probably just tidied up." He laughed, coming over to lean on the counter next to me.

Honestly, I didn't hear what he was saying next. I think he was talking about alcohol or something. The next time I snapped to attention was when he was kissing me and I jumped away.

"That was a bad idea." He groaned. "I am so sorry."
"It's probably in advisable." I said, as calmly as I could muster, "I'll uh, see you later. Thank you for your hospitality." I finished, booking it for the door as fast as I could go without running.

When outside, I leant back against the door and groaned. Why did this keeping happening? Perhaps if this is the first time I had found myself in almost this exact situation with the doctor it would be excusable. Last time, I wasn't married however. Last time I was single and free to do what I wanted.

Last time, I wanted it just as much as I want it now.

Groaning, again I pushed myself off of the door, already knowing I'd regret this, and stormed back into his apartment.

"Esha, look." He started out apologetically and I pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was all lust, all crashing lips and roaming hands. His hands in my hair, my hands on his belt. I broke the kiss only to remove his shirt and we stumbled backwards to the bedroom, our lips still crashing.

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