Chapter 56

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Adun- husband
Aduna- wife
T'hy'la- soulmate

"Why are you throwing rice at us?" Spock questioned, brushing some out of my hair as we stood in the neon lit Vegas strip.
"You don't question the traditions Spock, they don't make sense." Bones shrugged while lobbing another handful of rice at us.
"You guys wanted the human experience."
"And we thank you profusely for everything but it's time me and my wife go to sleep."
"Pfft yeah, sleep." Jim said, snorting with laughter and I swear a smirk danced across Spock's top lip for a moment.

After the many congratulations and hugs, our friends decided to stay out later so Spock and I were left to walk back to our hotel together. Me and my husband walked down the street populated by drunk people or people trying to get drunk, holding hands and something that was so normal felt so extraordinary because he was now my husband, my adun, my bond mate, my t'hy'la.

"We're not actually going to sleep are we?"
"Obviously not, you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, Aduna."

We woke in the morning, tangled in each other's arms with light flowing through the breezy chiffon curtains. Las Vegas was unassuming in the morning light, sure the debauchery was still there but it took a seat and put its feet up while everyone went about nursing hangovers and getting waffles.

"Esha." Spock muttered shaking me gently. "Your communicators going."
"You get it." I replied tiredly, burying my face into his side and feeling his arm close around me.
"Hello?" Spock said answering the communicator and ending it's annoying chiming. "Ah, T'prai. How are you?" I let out a muffled groan into Spock's side as he continued to try and make idle chat with my mother, a person I definitely didn't want to speak with right now. "Yes, no we're fine, just sleeping. Yes she's here, I'll give it to her just now."
"Mother, how are you doing?"
"Why haven't you been answering your phone?"
"I was sleeping, mother."
"And where are you?"
"Las Vegas."
"Las Vegas?" My mother said in the kind of voice that made the blood drain from my face.

Throughout my childhood, my mother and I had not gotten along. I preferred my more compassionate and loving father and she made absolutely no secret about "loving" -if you could even use that word- my stoic brother much more than me. They were now both dead and my mother makes no effort to hide her distaste for me even if she does check up on me constantly. It feels more like being strangled by a leash than being mothered.

"T'aitlu..." She began and I cut her off swiftly.
"Don't call me that." I said with a sharp intake of breath. "You were the one who insisted I give up everything to join starfleet, including that name."
"I named you that and I'll call you that if I please, now listen to me. I don't know what you think you're doing in Las Vegas with all those... humans, but if you think you are eloping with that half-breed of yours, you are entirely wrong." She seethed down the phone contains her rage easily in a calm tone that made my skin crawl. "I organised a perfect match for you, why can't you, for once in your life do as your father and I wanted?"
"Well, first of all mother, don't call my husband that." I began. "Second of all, I already eloped and thirdly, to use the human vernacular, fuck you. I'm sick of your controlling ways and I'm telling you in no uncertain terms that you need to sort yourself out or stay out of my life."


A few days later we found ourselves back in the groove of life. Everything moved so quickly in starfleet I scare had time to sit back and process things, something I direly needed to do. My wife on the other hand was like a shark, if she stopped moving, stopped working she'd die, speaking figuratively of course.

1,2,3 breathe. 1,2,3 breath. 1,2,3 breathe. Turn, push, kick, kick, swim. Repeat.

It was warm in the humid pool area but that was no matter, it was a comfortable heat for me. Being early on a Thursday morning, the lap pool was almost deserted save for Esha who was tearing through the water like she belonged there.

The water was a clear blue, the floors were polished to a shimmering perfection and it was surprisingly noisy considering the only source of sound was my wife and the two other patrons but I could only logically assume that the room caused natural amplification of sound due to its almost emptiness.

"How long was that?" Esha gasped, whipping her hair out of her pale face that was slightly flushed green and leaning against the pool edge at my feet.
"Uh, 17.4" I replied, reading off the stopwatch to her, she groaned in response and I raised my eyebrow quizzically. "That's a good time, I don't know why you're moaning."
"Because I'm not seeing a significant improvement, that's why I'm moaning."
"You've not been doing regular training long enough for a significant improvement, stop being illogical and get out so we can get breakfast." I said and tucked the stopwatch back into my pocket which caused my wife to give me something I could only classify as a glare.
"I don't need breakfast right now, I've got bigger issues." She huffed, re tying her hair.
"Is this about the 10 pounds you put on?'
"Yes, it logically means I'm getting out of shape and that's simply not good enough."
"I don't care about your figure, it doesn't matter. All I care about right now is breakfast." I said, hiding a smirk because I knew I had won.

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