Chapter one

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Spock sat in his quarters absently leafing through an old book his mother had gifted him years ago. It was called 'pride and prejudice', an interesting name for an old earth tome that hailed from the year 1813. Despite the fact it was very much from the past in its wordings and ideals and its, well, everything Spock didn't mind, he found himself returning to this book time and time again seeking something in its pages he knew wasn't there.

"Spock to the bridge." Rang out through his quarters and shook him from his haze. He placed his book down, carefully marking the page on the dog eared text and moved towards the bridge.

Entering the blinding white of the bridge he found the captain standing with his back to his science officer, unaware of the taller man entering. Spock cleared his throat and the captain spun round to face the commander with a grin on his youthful face.
"Just wanted to tell you Spock, when we dock for shore leave we'll be grabbing another crew member." said Kirk. "She'll be coming aboard as another senior science officer."

Spock was surprised, although he would never show it. Logically, there would be no reason for another science officer apart from the fact that he wasn't hitting the mark.

"Am I not performing to high enough standards?" Questioned Spock arching a slanted eyebrow at the captain and Jim just laughed in turn.
"No Spock, of course you are! Someone more important than me just decided we needed someone else with a different skill set to yours on board but trust me, your going to get along great." Jim said reassuring the Vulcan.

"Not long to earth. Warp speed?" Sulu cut in, turning in his chair.
"Warp speed." The captain echoed.

When they landed on earth, it wasn't long till the enterprise was deserted, save for the few crew that hustled about repairing the wear and tare she'd collected.


My alarm went off at the time I'd set it, obviously. Still I couldn't help but feel a slight resent,met at the early time displayed of the clocks luminescent display, however despite the early start I was in a rush. Starfleet was a machine of efficiency which was something one came to get used to at the academy and on any of its ships.

I hurriedly slipped into my blue uniform and twisted my blonde hair into a bun absently as o scanned the room for my bag. I was terrible for misplacing things in times when I'd need them urgently but there it was, tucked behind the door and I could continue in to the next step of the morning which was hoping there'd be an abundance of cabs floating around at this ungodly hour and then hailing one.

We pulled up to Star Fleet hanger where the Enterprise was being housed rather quickly which was great, first impressions mattered a great deal after all, and I stole toward the humongous ship that cast a shadow over the crew preparing it for take off and approached the man decked out in gold that matched his hair that I hoped would be the captain and stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"So you're the elusive Esha? James T Kirk, happy to have you aboard my beautiful beautiful ship. Anyway can I have number-ugh- your file?"The captain said
I raised my eyebrow quizzically at the display but handed him my file wordlessly and laced my hands behind my back.

"Follow me, I'm going to find Spock ." He said with a grin. "You two are just going to get on like a house on fire."

"Spock!" He shouted, flagging down the man in blue.
"Yes captain?" Spock asked, turning to face us and raising a slanted eyebrow.
Oh, he's Vulcan.
"This is Esha. Ya know, the new science officer I was telling you about? Mind showing her to her quarters and informing her of her duties?" The captain questioned, slapping a hand on the shoulder of the Vulcan man standing next to him as he tuners to grin at me, again. What was the human obsession with over shows of emotion?"
"Of course captain." Spock said, ignoring the hand in his shoulder and staring me straight in the eyes.

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