Chapter 16

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I woke up with someone shaking me gently.

Opening my eyes I found it was Spock. "What time is it?" I asked, sleep still evident in my voice.

"Something past 11 I believe, do you mind?" He asked making a gesture towards my face.

"No, go for it." I said running my hands through my blonde hair, trying to smooth out any stray tangles

"That's human." He commented, "Uhura rubs off" I said, almost happily.

Reaching down he placed his hand tenderly on the side of my face, reading my thoughts.

If I was entirely honest I was to nervous to read his.

"You've not been sleeping? When we are back on the enterprise doctor McCoy will, check you over." He said, a slight hint of concern seeping into his tone.

"I don't need it" I said flatly.

"Your being illogical" "I don't need it" I said getting up and pointing at the door.

He seemed to take the hint and leave so I could get ready.

Quickly washing and brushing out my hair, in braided it down my back before pulling j. My uniform.

Opening the door, I saw Spock leaning against the wall, absent mindedly examining his nails.

"Plan of action?" He questioned me as I emerged from the room.

"I don't have one, I would say just get to the other side if shi'khar" I said almost shrugging as I leant against the wall next to him.

"That suits me perfectly, there is this cafe I want to take you to on the far side of the city" he said before straightening himself out and heading downstairs.

After his goodbyes with his emotional mother, his father wasn't there, we left and set out over the familiar streets.

We were on the exact opposite side of the city from where we wanted to be.

Trekking though the bustling streets was uneventful, save the few gapes our uniforms caused.

I dragged Spock through a few shops, I had missed most of the things on Vulcan.

We made it to the cafe on the far side of the city around lunch time, it was tucked away in a corner.

It was quite charming.

The place didn't look like something you'd find on Vulcan, But still I loved it.

When we entered there were a few couples and a family sitting a their respective tables, most noticeably a human couple clearly in love sitting in the far corner away from everyone else.

It was evident that they were been given a wide breadth, so we sat over next to them. We were no strangers to humans.

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