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Everyone's looking down at me like I've just died.
Well I guess that wouldn't be too out of the question.
I'm hesitant to explain where the source of the pain is, because quite frankly, this time around it's Elphabas fault.
I guess debatably it's my fault for coming back to talk to her.
But I'm in a lot of pain right now and can't think straight.
Everywhere that possibly can hurt does hurt, but it's mild compared to the pain in my arm.
I did just hit the floor at an alarming rate.
My head feels like it's spinning.

There's muttering between my onlookers, then Boc looks down at me awkwardly.
I've not spoken to him in weeks, I've not spoken to anyone in this room in weeks.
"Nessa, you look awfully pale, do you feel sick?" Boc asks cautiously.
I shake my head, though the motion of it makes me feel a tad ill.
"Elphaba, if I tell you what hurts do you promise not to freak out?" I questions slowly, Elphaba looks mortified even though I've not even said anything yet.
"I promise." She lies.
I take a deep breath.

"My arm hurts,"
Elphaba sits down on the floor with a sudden thud.
"I've hurt you arm, I'm so so sorry," she babbles,
"Can you calm down for one second!" I bark, crying out loudly as my arm starts to ache again.
"What hurt it?" Glinda asks "did the chair fall on it, or did you?"
Mother and Albert look confused but the concern on their faces is growing rapidly.
"I think it was me, but I don't particularly remember." I mumbles wincing again.
"Do you want me to take you to the doctors?" Boc asks nervously.
I'm unsure what I want.
I'm sure it's broken, I've already accepted the worst possible fate.
All I can thing is how I'm going to to my job with one arm.

"I don't know, I mean all they did when I was a child was put it in a sling, I suppose calling Doctor Tippiurus can't hurt." I suggest.
The pain starts to build up all I can think to do is scream, so I do.
Just like when I was a kid and I'd just lie in bed and scream.
If I've broken my arm it will be just like when I was a child too.
"Oh Nessa does it hurt that badly?" Glinda whimpers.
I nod my head and tears roll down my cheeks.
"Someone call the doctor!" Albert Exclaims, rather than doing it himself.
Boc disappears into the hallway, with Elphaba.
He returns a few moments later but my sister does not.
"She should be here soon."
When the hell is soon?
My arm feels like it's going to drop off.
"I'm sure she didn't mean to Nessa," Glinda says.
I'm confused.
"I wasn't upset with her for it, accidents happen." I chuckle sarcastically.

After a while, there's a knock at the door, thank goodness.
Albert disappears upstairs with my mother and Boc goes to answer the door.
I'm left with Glinda.
"That's never happened before, Elphabas instinct has never hit me specifically, it's hit my chair and other people but never me."

Doctor Tippiurus appears in the doorway and walks towards me, she shakes her head playfully and tuts at me.
Boc sits in an armchair facing me, his eyes are soft and sad.
Glinda smiles at the Doctor and gently lifts me up so I'm sat up against the sofa.
I yelp as my arm hits the edge of the cushion and Glinda whispers tearful apologies.
Doctor comes and kneels before me.
"Hardly even a year and I'm back again," Tip smiles "can't seem to stay away, Miss Nessarose."
I sigh deeply.
"Your friend said on the phone that your arm hurts, can you tell me what you've done to it?"
I think for a moment for an explanation that won't get Elphaba in trouble.
"I fell out of my chair, I was being overly ambitious with my speed and I fell out, I landed on my side."
It's such a childish remark but it was the best I could come up with.
Doctor tip first glances over my legs, even though I've not aired any problems with them.

"How long have you been a wheelchair user now? Fifteen years? Seventeen? You'd think you'd get the hang of it." She glares at me, she's not stupid, she can tell I'm lying.
"Can you just get to her arm," Boc barks impatiently.
I lower my head and try not to make eye contact.
"Certainly," Doctor Tip says, rolling her eyes.
She grabs hold of my arms and runs her hand up it, I squeal in pain.
"It's definitely broken," Tip chuckles.
She opens her briefcase and pulls out a large fabric square."
Gently, though it still hurts, she toes my arm up in it until the ever so familiar is back onto my arm.
"Don't use your arm until you deem necessary, And that I suppose will be all," Doctor Tip stands up and grabs hold of her briefcase.
"Don't take any kinds of numbing medication."

And with that she leaves, slowly everyone gathers into the room again.
I wish I was lying down again, sitting up is actually exhausting for me, my governors chair is slightly better since it's curved and I almost sit tilted in it,
But being on this rigid sofa is not helping my back.
"Nessa!" Elphaba cries, rushing to sit next to me, she eyes up my sling "oh no, I'm so sorry I..."
"Elphie, we've apologised enough," Glinda mumbles,
Boc comes and sits on the floor in front of me, he stares up at me and smiles softly.
I feel awful for him, he told me he loved me and i sent him away, because I've told myself for the past two and a bit years that I can't fall in love again.
Love can be dangerous for me.

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