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"She knows?" Albert crys, Mother gasps and Glinda crosses her arms angrily.
I quickly put my finger to my lips to stop Albert getting any louder.
"She was bound to find out." I murmur "your just going to have to talk to her about it."
Albert nods, Glinda scowls.
"You were a terrible wizard!" She grows under her breath.
Albert stretches his head, mother looks at him sympathetically.
"Wheres Nessarose now?" Mother asks lovingly.
Fiyero clears his throat.
"Next room, She and Boc have been talking for a while."

Glinda looks flustered, she flaps her hand in front of her face to try and cool herself off.
"This is ridiculous," Glinda huffs "you and that Dorothy should have never came to Oz. You both do not belong."
Glinda pushes past everyone and stamps her way out into the corridor.
I hear her shoes clacking angrily against the stairs.
Fiyero grips onto my arm and I watch my mother do the same to Albert.
"I should speak to her." Mother says suddenly.
"Who?" Fiyero says, blatantly confused.
Mother looks unamused.
"My daughter. Glinda can do what she wants." Mother snaps.
"If it's going to cause that much of an argument, then we may as well just ignore it."
Everyone gasps, Nessa is hovering in the doorway, with Boc stood just behind her.

Mother slowly takes her hand off of Albert and walks towards Nessa.
"If you want to talk about it we can," mother rambles.
Nessa ignores Mothers words and pushes past her towards Albert.
Albert looks down guiltily.
"I didn't say it to hurt you."
"I know." Nessa says calmly "and I'm not angry, I understand why you said it. We've both been in positions of power we weren't equipped for and what you did then I don't hold you accountable for."
Albert Nods, Nessa nods.
And with that she leaves the room.
I'm quite surprised and happy of how well she handled that.
I would have completely understood if she had let Albert have it, but she didn't and I'm glad.

"I'll just go and check on her," I mumble quickly, before anyone can stop me, I rush out of the room and into the hallway.
Just in time to see what room Nessa is going into.
Our childhood bedroom.
I slowly stand in the doorway and watch my sister, who has yet to see me.
She travels gracefully around the room, analysing everything, I hear her whisper something but I'm unable to make out what it is.
"How long do you plan on standing there, Elphaba?"
Nessa catches me off guard, I startle slightly, she's facing away from me and I've not seen her so much as glance in my direction.
"How did you know I'm here?" I ask blatantly curious.
Nessa chuckles and reaches a hand to the back of her head, she pulls gently at the bun in her hair, all at once her silky brown hair cascades down her shoulders, I rarely see her with her hair down so it's always a shock.
Even if it is just the back of her head.
"I know what your footsteps sound like." Nessa reply's.  "what do you want Elphaba?"
He voice grows impatient, I decide to not waste time on a long question.
"I don't get it, you didn't shout at him, you barley acknowledged it." I splutter, Nessa turns herself around, a cold expression on her face.
"I'm not completely heartless."
"Nessa that's not what I meant."
"Besides" she huffs, taking a deep breath "he's been through enough, its not my job to harp on the past."
Nessa turns herself back around and continues to rummage in drawers and cupboards.

"Ness" I mumble.
She continues to search for some unknown item.
"Nessa!" I exclaim, raising my voice slightly.
Nessa still doesn't reply.
Nessa whips her head around, she has a mixture of anger and surprise on her face.
"Why on earth did you call me that?" She splutters.
"It made you answer." I reply sharply, I grin slightly though I don't mean too.
"It's not my name. It's childish." She huffs, rolling her eyes and turning back around.
"What are you looking for?" I laugh emptily.

Nessa stops, she doesn't turn around.
Instead she straightens out her posture and takes a deep breath.
"I don't know." She mumbles defeatedly,
I take a slow step towards her.
"If you don't know, then why is it so important?" I ask impatiently.
"Your so persistent." Nessa groans, sighing deeply "I want to find something I've never seen before, something that brings about a memory I've yet to have."
I nod though I'm not completely sure I understand why she wants this.
Though I suppose it makes sense.
My memory is quite good, I can recall the most obscene of things.
A few weeks ago, I conveniently remembered the spell to make plants grow faster, I cast it on Fiyeros vegetable patch and we had a cottage pie for dinner that night.

Nessa begins to hum as she rummages around the room, the tune is soft and simple like that of a nursery rhyme.
She stops abruptly and looks directly at me when she realises I'm staring.
I try to play it off and quickly shift my gaze to the shelf above my sisters head, it's covered with her dolls.
I could probably tell a story about each of them, furthest to the right is the one that Nessa dropped down the stairs, second on the left was her first doll and the one with the faded yellow dress is the doll that Nessa abandoned out in the garden for a week.
"What are you looking at?" Nessa follows my eyes upwards. "Do you want to play dolls?"
I know she's poking fun at me, but I decide to have some fun of my own.
"Why not," I reply smiling merrily and shrugging my shoulders, I walk over to the shelf and take two dolls down.
I hand one of the two to my sister and she looks at me mildly amused at my eagerness.
"Your ridiculous!"

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