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I stare down anxiously at my sister, I daren't touch her for fear of waking her up.
She's been stirring quite terribly, she almost looks scared.
Fiyero is angry at me, I understand why, I'm unsure if I've done the right thing.
"You know she didn't want you to do that," Fiyero says flatly "she was just trying to prove a point."
I nod, I know but if Nessa is being like that then I'm going to see it as a cry for help.
I'd much rather have just had a chat with her about this rather than placing a spell on her to make her fall asleep but if she gets around three hours of sleep then I'll be happy.
"I know I'm doing the right thing" I say confidently, though inside I'm massively doubting myself.
I always seem to doubt myself when I should be sure of everything.
Nessa's admitted that she looks up to me and sometimes I just feel that I let her down and I hate that.
I hate letting anyone down, especially Nessa since she is my sister.
Suddenly Nessa twitches violently, I look anxiously at Fiyero and reach my hand over and cling onto Nessas hand with mine.

As soon as we touch hands, I feel sick, like the room is spinning.
I close my eyes and hope for it to stop.
"Fiyero!" I wail, opening my eyes to find that I am in an unusual corridor.
I don't understand what just happened.
"Fiyero?" I call out again, unsure of where I am.
It's a long, long grimy beige hallway, the floor is a muted red carpet.
Along the walls are many many doors but closer to me our large portions of the wall where the paint is missing and it's just gritty bricks.
As if there once were doors there.

Hesitantly I walk along the corridor, unsure of where I'm going, but there's only one way to go.
I stop dead in my tracks, I hear the sound of a door closing up ahead, I take a few steps forward and slow to a halt.
I see my sister, being pushed out of one room and a room and into another.
The person pushing her suddenly turns their head and we lock eyes.
"Wait here Nessarose." I hear Frex mutter "I'll only be a moment."
The door shuts behind my sister and Frexpar angrily marches towards me.

"How are you here?" He hisses.
Frex grabs me by the wrist and drags me over to the over end of the hallway, away from the door that Nessa is behind.
"What is happening?" I cry,
Frex puts a finger to his lips.
"Lower your voice, you will upset your sister." He whispers.
I do as he says, still afraid after all these years.
"How did you get here?" He asks again, sounding more forcefully this time.
"I held Nessas hand. I don't understand, is this not a dream?" I ramble, I'm absolutely mind blown.
"A dream? No, this is my world." Frex replies coldly "you brought me back, you summoned me and now I'm not leaving."
I'm absolutely shaken to my core.
"You know your hurting her, she won't sleep, she's terrified."
Frex frowns at me,
"This is all I have left of her, all I have left of your Mother, these are a mixture of my memories and yours and your sisters, turns about I'm still a powerful man even in death." Frex growls "now if you don't mind I'd like to go back and be with my daughter."
I look around myself.
"Do I just stay here?"
Frex smiles eerily.
"There's a door behind you, go through there to leave,"
"What's behind the other doors, and the brick walls?" I ask in quick succession, as if the words had to leave my brain quickly else I'd forget them.
"The walls are memories that your sister and I have already visited, the doors are ones that have yet to bee seen."
"And what happens once she's been in all the doors?" I ask, genuinely curious.
Frex looks behind him at the end of the hallway.
"I try to make more."
Try, something significant about that word, it's like an attempt.
"What happens if you can't?"
Frex takes a step away from me.
"Then I go, I leave never to return, I just miss my daughter please let me be with her." Frex sounds sincere.

There's a loud sobbing sound coming from one of the rooms.
Frex turns suddenly.
"You have to go." He barks, "ive been away from her for too long, I finally work up the ability to view these memories with her and your stripping that from me."
I hold onto his arm.
"Why is she crying?" I demand.
"Not every memory is a happy one,"
"Then why show it?"
"Because I want a chance to comfort her, now go!" Frex growls, he walks off into the hallway.
I turn around and step through the door, the same dizzy feeling returns yet again.
I open my eyes suddenly and hurriedly take my hand off of my sisters.

"Elphaba are you okay?" Fiyero asks suddenly, "you spaced out for a while there."
"It's Frexpar." I say suddenly "his spirit, he's in Nessas dreams, he's taken over her dreams and is making her relive parts of her life and her past."
"Is that a bad thing?"
I pause.
"I'm not sure, I'm really not sure."
Fiyero comes and sits beside me,
"You could always wake her up."
"No." I say stubbornly "she needs the sleep, I don't know if she's okay in there though."

A million thoughts are racing through my head.
How is Frexpar able to do this?
Is my sister okay?
Is Frex going to show her something that will make her hate me?
Will this make Ness a happy when she wakes up?
Should I wake Nessa up?
"Fiyero," I mutter "how is she going to get over this?"

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