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Upon hearing Boc's frantic cries I rushed as quickly as I could upstairs, Glinda must have beat me to it.
The room is freezing and before my eyes I see a rather agitated Boc crying on an armchair, Glinda waving a glimmering sliver fan towards my sister, who does not look to be in the best shape at all.
Her eyes are wide and worried and she look so terribly pale, she's breathing frantically and every window in the room is widely open making every occupant shiver terribly.
Nessa stops breathing so heavily and I watch as she painfully closed her eyes, she looks exhausted.
I don't try to talk to her as I'm sure I'm not going to get much sense out of her.
Boc hasn't said a word but talking to him seems to nkt he the best idea either, I turn to Glinda who's still anxiously fanning my sister.
"Glinda," I mumble, she turns to me, her hand still manoeuvring the fan near to my sisters face "Glinda stop it."
She does as she's told and rests the fan on the side table and drops to the floor.
"Glinda!" I cry, rushing to sit beside her.
Glinda leans her head on my shoulder and I place an arm around her.
"What happened?"
"She's so warm." Glinda mutters "she must have the flu or something."
That wasn't my first thought but it is autumn so it would be significantly early for it to be Nessas winter flu but perhaps it is.
"It's okay Glinda" I whisper Gently "you did good."

Boc is still sobbing in the armchair, I watch, longing to help him but unsure of what he wants to hear.
"Boc." A meek croaky voice whispers, "Boc stop that crying, everything's fine."
I immediately stand up and Glinda does the same, my sister seems much more alert and with the room now.
Boc stops snivelling and walks over to Nessas bedside.
"No more crying, okay?" Nessa whispers.
"I... I don't understand" Boc splutters "Nessa what just happened."
Nessa lets out a small squeak.
"What's wrong?" Glinda asks.
"Nothing nothing." Nessa fusses, I narrow my eyebrows.
"Nessa," I snap sternly.
"My chest hurts," Nessa replies softly, gesturing weakly to her ribcage. "I wish I could sit out on the balcony."
"Nessa you can't," Boc whimpers "I'm so sorry."
Nessa sighs deeply and turns her gaze away from all of the anxious eyes staring at her.
"Oh no I absolutely can go out on the balcony it's just that no one will take me." Nessa sobs.
"Because Doctor Tip said you shouldn't move." Glinda trembles.

As much as I love my sister she is a horrible patient.
"Nessa, your rib should stop hurting in about a week." I mutter kindly.
"And if it only takes a week for that to happen then why can't I get up once it stops hurting?"
I clear my throat.
"Because it stops hurting once the damaged nerves are repaired, not your rib, your rib is still going to be cracked for a while and your leg will remain broken for a few weeks." I reply, knowing that my sister won't want to hear it.
"Brilliant." Nessa replies.
My sister glares up at the ceiling and I watch as she fights the urge to cry, Boc is busy doing the same behind me.
"I hate this." Nessa whispers.
"I know you do." I reply quietly.

Glinda's left and she's taken Boc with her and for the first time I don't know what to say to my sister.
"Elphie," Nessarose mumbles. "I'm terribly sorry for shouting."
I don't quite understand.
"But you didn't shout." I'm quite perplexed.
Nessa winces with pain.
"I could have sworn that I did" she mutters, sounding just as confused as I am, "I'm sure of it."
"You didn't Ness, I promise" I reassure her.
My sisters eyes go all pink and she starts to cry again, tears roll down her face and make streaky rivers that wind down her cheeks.
"I've barley been here a day!" she cries "what's happening to me?"
I place my hand on my sisters face, cupping it gently with my trembling hands.
I look extra green when compared with my sisters extra pale complexion.
She still feels quite warm.
"Nessa I think you should try to sleep for a bit." I whisper hesitantly, "it might help with the disorientation."
Nessa shakes her head.
"I'm not disorientated, I'm just going stir crazy!" My sister cries. "I must seem so pitiful."
I smile helplessly towards my sister, who just sighs sadly.
"I don't think your pitiful, I just think your terribly bored." I reply.
"I need something to do but theres not an awful lot I can manage whilst being stuck on my back" Nessa grumbles.

I think for a moment.
What can we all do as a family?
"Yes?" My sisters voice sounds hopeful.
"Do you remember how to play sevens?"
Nessa laughs to herself.
"You don't mean that card game do you?" She gasps "the one we played with the house staff as children?"
I nod my head excitedly and watch a small smile appear on my sisters face.
"We could all play as a family, it would be wonderful, everyone can come in here and we can move some more chairs in and..."
"That sounds wonderful." Nessa whispers breathily "I'm so tired sister."
"I know Ness, I know." I reply sadly.

I watch my sister debate going to sleep, the room is freezing so I cannot even fathom how she's even able to be tried, I fold my arms in a feeble attempt to stay warm.
Poor Nessarose isn't even under a blanket so she's probably terribly cold too.
"Ness, are you not even the slightest bit chilly?" I ask cautiously.
My sister looks about herself, her face reads as though she's awfully confused.
"Huh?" She mumbles.
"Cold Nessa, are you cold?" I ask, this time slightly louder and slower.
She shakes her head.
"No no it's fine, are you cold?"
It's fine, what on earth is she talking about, I'm asking her if shes cold, that's not how you answer that question.
"Yes Nessa!" I cry, slightly agitated "it's freezing!"

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