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We traveled back to Muchkin land almost instantly, I'm sat upstairs with Glinda and my sister, whilst Boc runs to his house and packs a bad filled with more of his belongings.
He's still going to have to sleep on the sofa, I'm never sharing a bed with anyone not even the man I love.
"Nessa, are you alright?" My sister asks,
"Of course I am," I snap. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Elphaba looks slightly hurt, but she doesn't let it phase her for too long.
"Your mother seemed quite pleased when I told her the news" Glinda chirps.
"Why do I find that hard to believe?" I scoff.
"Ness don't be like that!" Elphaba cries "it's not mother that your angry at, its Albert."
I sigh deeply and gaze out of the window, trying to clear my head.
"I don't want to be angry with either of them" I snap, though I'm not sure why I'm angry, Elphaba doesn't deserve my spiteful tongue.

"Albert cares about you more than you realise," Elphaba scowls, "if you'd actually speak to him then perhaps you'd know that."
Glinda stamps her foot and frowns.
"Elphaba that's enough!" Glinda bellows "you should go."
Elphaba looks at my pitiful face and seems to drop her anger almost immediately, she stands up and leaves the room hurriedly.
Glinda looks at me pleasantly.
"She's right though Glinda, I don't give him a chance." I whisper, Glinda shrugs.
"You can't like everyone." She replies.

I look around the room again, feeling like I've been terrible to my sister, today started off so well and now I've just upset everybody.
That's why I stay in Shiz during the holidays, I feel disconnected from my family, to the point that I don't fit in anymore.
After a few minutes, my mother pokes her  head around the door, she's holding a tall glass of a strong smelling red liquid, she walks over to me and sets the glass down before hugging me tightly, Glinda smiles and leaves the room.
"I've missed you, my baby Nessarose" mother whispers into my hair.
Her embrace is so comforting.
"You mustn't stay away for this long again, I fear I'm going to miss more things!" Mother cries.
I know what she's talking about but it's not as though I'll change, I'm cursed to stay looking eighteen forever.
A dismal curse as some of my students look older than me.

"What's in the glass?" I ask, marvelling at the ruby red liquid that's gently fizzing.
"Quadling wine, Albert brought it." Mother remarks, holding the glass up to my face "you must try some!"
Without thinking, I drink the glass, the bubbles cause a strange sensation on my tongue but it's a pleasant one.
I can't remember the last time I had alcohol, I believe it was a small sip of whisky at fathers funeral, his favourite drink.
"You drank that quickly," mother comments "do you like it?"
I nod my head slowly.
"Shall I go and fetch you some more?" Mother asks politely.
"That would be wonderful mother" I smile.

So my mother disappears out of sight for a few minutes, her shoes can be heard descending the marble staircase until finally I hear her coming back up the stairs.
Mother hands me a second red, sparkling glass, this time it is filled significantly more.
I marvel at the swirling bubbles and the rich, fruit filled scent.
Mother smiles as I carefully clutch the glass within my hands.
"Make sure not to spill it on your lovely dress, or a stain won't ever come out!" Mother crys.
"Don't fret, I'm fine." I brush her words aside and gulp down the drink.
And another, and another, until mother has supplied me with more drinks than I can count.
But I feel great, mother and I have been talking and drinking and talking and drinking for hours and I feel amazing.
My head is a little fuzzy but that's to be expected, I'm sure the fuzzy vision is also a side effect.
Mother nearly spills her drink over herself for the fifth time and for the fifth time we both tilt our heads back and roar with laughter.

The great noise attracts my sister and Glinda back into the room, their faces drop when they see me and mother guffawing together.
"Nessa?" Glinda asks uneasily.
"Hello!" I cry merrily, mother and I laugh heartily again, she seems to be much more in control with the volume of her voice than me,
"Mother what's going on?" Elphaba snaps.
Mother gets to her feet with ease and I chuckle to myself, this room is boiling and I wish I could open a window.
"Yes dear?" Mother asks to my sister,
"What on earth has gotten into you?" My sister cries.
Glinda walks over to my empty glass and puts her nose to it.
"Oi!" I shout "that's mine get your own!" Once again I snort with laughter.
"What is it Glin?" My sister questions.
"She's drunk." Glinda says firmly.
Elphaba rushes to my side and I pat her head with my hand.
"Hello sister!" I smile dopily.
Elphaba seizes my hands and places a hand on my forehead for a second.
"How many have you had?" She cries.
I ponder for a second before snatching my hands away from my sister and pushing myself towards the table where Glinda has left my glass.
"Empty!" I huff "how rude."
Elphaba growls, but there's a hint of fear in her voice.
"How many have you had?" She shrieks.
Mother and Glinda step over to my sister, mother seems far more composed than me.
"You know what's stupid!" I laugh, Elphaba looks at me sympathetically "my whole childhood I wanted a rest and when I finally died, I got brought back to life. How cruel!" I squeal with laughter once more.
"Mother," Elphaba barks "how many drinks did you poison your daughter with?"
"Elphies getting angry!" I chuckle.
"Poison? Elphaba, darling what are you talking about?"
Elphaba starts to cry, I wave my hands at her.
"Thirsty sister?" I laugh loudly.
"Her liver, Mum, she's can't Handel alcohol, she's never been allowed, far too risky." Elphaba cries.
"Oh clam down!" I cry "your boring me!"

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