Chapter 1

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"What the hell did you pack Sid" Jonah groaned trying to get my suitcase out of the trunk, I could just feel the stares I was getting as I stood there and watched Jonah struggle

The low catcalls I was getting while Jonah was too busy trying to pull the suitcase out

"Move aside clown" I smirked and pulled it out easily

"You know what shove your head up your ass," Jonah said pulling his pre-packed suitcases I brought over with me away

"Queen Elizabeth the first trying helping" I call too Kenzie

"But I don't want to fuck up my nails, I just got them done" she said blowing on her nails "Plus Jay put on a few pounds" she commented and was rewarded a middle finger in her direction

"Kenzie get over here and help before I give all that designer to someone else" she gasped dramatically and ran over in her damn stripper heels

Pulling out the bag and carrying the whole thing over her head like the damn hulk, when it came to carrying something she wanted she put me and Jay to shame.

I roll my eyes at the idiot, I love her but she was seriously not all there, her brain cells were long gone.

I look over to Jonah who was checking out some of the boys walking pass, once again rolling my eyes and grabbing my bag before pulling it inside and bringing it up to the apartment

I, Kenzie, and Jonah would be attending college in the beautiful city that was a little less than 5,000 miles away from our hometown, I missed it but at the same time, it was a good break.

I was lucky enough to score a full-ride scholarship while the other two had to pay because their GPA couldn't compete.

I was going for an English and literature major, Jonah an art, and Kenzie of course fashion. Sadly I had no taste, every week Kenzie would go shopping, drag me along only to shop for me, and she would always rip the tag and receipt up so I couldn't return it. Kenzie was a lot smaller than me so I couldn't just stick it in her closet.

She was slim and small with her hourglass figure, the complete opposite of me.

I had Kim K's ass for free, a pair of thunder thighs, a coke bottle figure, and I was a good 5'8. Unlike the two with high metabolisms I had to work out to keep my gut away but that didn't mean I had a thin waist, or maybe I did and I just couldn't see it.

My hips were pretty wide and every time I looked at other girls they just seemed to have better bodies than me.

Kenzie especially always made me feel insecure, her body was beautiful and she's confident in her own skin whereas I had to eat healthy twenty-four-seven, run miles, and work out for hours before I felt comfortable as I am.

I know she doesn't make me feel bad on purpose, she tries to get me to be more confident in my own body and sometimes i'll be feeling myself in the mirror and I feel like I don't look bad but then I step out of the door and the emotions just flood back in.i

It sucks.

Instantly I fall in love with the apartment we scored, it was a decent size, a kitchen when you first walk in that opens up to the living room and an amazing view, two bedrooms on the right across from each other in the cute hallway thing going on, the same thing on the left except one bathroom and a bedroom.

I don't know how all of us will be workout with the bathroom thing.

"I and Jonah call those two, you get the one by the bathroom" Kenzie announced 'working' on putting away the food, in other words eating a little bit of everything before she puts it in the cabinets.

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