Chapter 43

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How long was I tied to this chair? I have no idea.

They would leave me for hours in the day and let me sit there. I felt disgusted in both them and myself, I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason I hated myself right now, I just did.

The sad part was that as I sat there I just started to think I deserved everything I was getting, I kept digging in my head for the answers, why would God do this to me for no reason. At this time the Christian in me was coming out.

When everyone would leave I would breakdown, I would cry my eyes out until the tears began to hurt. All of this was too much, I felt hopeless, useless, weak, I wanted the control of my body back but I didn't have it.

They always injected me with something, it always has a sore pinch when the needle broke skin but I would pass out and wake unable to move my limbs, my eyes wandered and blinked but my body would have no movement in it.

I was trapped in my own body and all I could do was sit and do nothing, just watch as time passed, as the sunset and the room filled back up, fewer men would come in every day.

My weight had decreased drastically, the only time I got even a drop of water was when they would dump it over me and occasionally electrocute me. They did it often and sometimes I felt like I would lose my mind, maybe that was just my suspicions because of Suicide Squad but it was something that was constantly on my mind despite my current situation.

There wasn't much to keep me occupied, I think they purposely left me alone to let me pick myself apart mentally. All I could do was think and daydream.

I thought about seeing my family, Kainalu was still alive and his mother and he got along like before, I thought about my parents amusingly arguing like an old elderly couple, me flying peas at my older sisters with their kids because they wanted to put vegetables on our plates.

I thought about creating a family, that daydream seemed so amazing, but they were just dreams and I would never get my dream family.

In my head I tried to make everything sunshine and rainbows, that was impossible when I couldn't see even a small zero point 5 percent chance of me getting out of this place.

I was going to die here, that was the only outcome I could see, my stomach cried for food just as I cried to get out of here, my throat was dry and felt scratchy and broke at the slightest sound I made. I didn't know if I had any strength but I refuse to die when there was still life in me, I know I said I felt like I deserved it and that I wanted die because of the pain but I was a fighter.

I was always a gosh dang fighter and I couldn't give up on my family, I wouldn't give up on Riccardo's ability. I just couldn't give up despite my bodies protest.

Those nail holes had healed into circular scars.

I watch the sunset and slowly I began to get feeling back in my body, my fingered moved and I was able to shift my feet around.

It was good to have feeling back for a short while, then the pain came back and I didn't want to move, it was still nice to know I could move if I wanted to.

I sigh already knowing who it was, the same asshole that seemed to love taunting Riccardo by making me scream, the door hiding in the darkness creaked whiled floor wailed under the weight. I was waiting for the day it caved in and took someone with it.

That blue-eyed bastard always blamed Riccardo, he blamed this because of Riccardo and maybe it was his fault but I just couldn't bring myself to blame him. The only person I could blame was the person keeping me hostage.

I look up when the footsteps sound lighter, someone rushing towards me but still trying to stay quiet.

"Mia?" I call confused

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