Chapter 8

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I step out of the car and into the cold of the night, Riccardo walking with me to the entrance and I move closer to him trying to feel some of the heat that surrounds him and avoid the stares of those walking pass.

His face was hard as he looked at everyone, especially the man who was guiding us to our table.

I had been so caught up looking around outside that I barely noticed we had gotten inside.

Riccardo pulled out the chair for me, this was the most formal date I ever had, I had never been in such a fancy place. The table was set up in a room secluded from everyone else, the guy closing the door behind him as Riccardo dismissed him.

There were the cutest vintage glass double doors leading to a small patio thing going on, little lights hanging around the trees and flowers, it looked like an indoor garden out there. The table inside lighted up perfectly, it was one of those tables from movies, a candle in the middle, a fancy bucket filled with ice.

"This is beautiful" I smile looking around

"Thank you" he nodded staring at me

I bit my lip lifting the menu, looking over it I felt bad, everything, like expected, was expensive, I wasn't about to make this man spend over twenty dollars for a small plate.

"Aren't you going to look at the menu?" I ask him as I place mine down

"I already know what I'm having" he stated "You know what you're getting?"

"I'll just have a salad" I said shyly leaning backward on the chair

He gave me a stern look, like a mother about to scold her child.

"That's not a dinner Sidney that's a side dish, pick something else" I just stare at him

"I'm not that hungry, I'm still full from lunch" of course I just had to look at my lap as I spoke, I was so obvious when I lied and I was starting to hate that about myself.

Just then a tall blonde walked in, she reminded me of Kenzie, slim, thin, and beautiful. Her presence was starting to intimate me, even the way she walked was beautiful.

"Hello sir are you ready to order?" She asked, her eyes looked towards Riccardo waiting for his order as she straightened up and slightly pushed her chest out.

Fucking bitch.

"Two steaks, I want the 1947 chateau and don't screw up my food," he said and the girl quickly lost her confidence as he looked at her with a serious face, rushing off as if he had just lit her butt on fire.

"I didn't want a steak" I said as she closed the door

"Well I'm not letting you eat a salad for dinner, that's isn't even close to a dinner Sidney and you need to eat something that will actually get you full" he said staring at me, when he spoke to me he always looked me in the eyes, it made it all the much harder to pay attention to what he was saying.

"A salad is dinner, maybe not to you but to me it is"

"It's barely a salad here, it's just a few leaves with ranch drops made to look nice so we get more money, it may be shipped from other countries but it's still a rip-off, it's just that no one caught on to that just yet" I stare at him with narrowed eyes.

"If it's a rip off then why come here" I ask

"Because I own the rip off of a restaurant"

"Really? That's cool" I said watching as he watched me from across the circular table "How long have you owned this place"

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