Chapter 39

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"Should we go?" Riccardo paced

He felt bad about leaving yesterday after we had just got there but at least he showed up briefly, you had to give him that. He was just walking back and forth all morning contemplating on which choice to choose, at some point, he began to talk to me trying to get me to give him a yes or a no.

"Babe, I need you to calm down and relax, so as a tv show once taught me, just answer off the top of your head" He took a deep breath

"Do you like dogs?"
"Can you sing?"
"Can you disappear?"
"Have you recently took a liking to octopus?"
"Do you actually love me?"
"Do you like barbecues?"
"Do you miss your sister?"
"Have you ever ran away"
"Did you ever play dress up with your sister?"
"Did you get good grades?"

I stand up throwing him his suit jacket and grabbing my bag, he watched me with curious eyes and I roll my eyes.

"You said you like barbecue and that you miss your sister, so let's go" I shrug

He took a deep breath and let it out, grabbing my hand and exiting the room. His breath unsteady and rapid as we drove closer and closer to our destination, going up the hills to a complete dead end street that seemed more... clean I guess.

Kids ran around playing, noise coming from one specific house, neighbors had come out making it look more like a block party then a barbecue. Chairs set up in the middle of the streets I had now understood why the road was blocked off.

I smile at the kids playing with sparklers despite the sun still being up and it not being any special holiday.

"Rico" someone had spoke from behind us "Ah how are you? I haven't seen you around here in years"

"Yes, it's much different then I remember it" Riccardo responded spooking around

"Yeah, your brother really changed this place, at least now I'm not as worried about my kids walking around these parts"

"Mhmm" Riccardo hummed in agreement before turning towards me "Miss Francisca this is Sidney, Sidney this is Francisca, she was my grandmothers closest friend"


"Ah" she scowled towards him "Still haven't changed your ways I see"

I look between them confused and she rolled her eyes at me, turning around and walking away.

I look at him feeling irritated, that was rude as hell and she's lucky she old.

"I wasn't the person I am right now back then" he spoke as we slowly strolled down the street "They found it disrespectful when I would allow girls into the house or introduced them to one-nights, when I had introduced them as my girlfriends during those times, I'm not going to lie to you, I cheated on all of them. I can't blame that on the drugs or alcohol, I was horrible, I watched those girls talk to my family the same as I did and I have no doubt they believe you are a bitch"

"Riccardo" I say grabbing his arm to stop him, I was speechless

"I would never cheat on you Sidney"

"I know, or at least I hope, but you let girls disrespect your family, even if you hated them at the time that isn't right"

"I know, it wasn't right and I regret it but I won't apologize for it, they treated me like shit too and I guess I just kept doing it because I wanted them to know how it felt to be disrespected but not be able to stop it"

I shook my head at the man and glanced away catching the eyes of his sister, she rushed towards us and held her arms wrapping him in for a bear hug. I smile at the two siblings, moving around and out of the way of people walk by.

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