Chapter 35

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Riccardo had been babying me all week, whenever he looked at me you could see the guilt in his eyes and I knew it was because of that incident two weeks ago.

I got over it three days after and was completely fine now, Riccardo had a busy day and for the first time in the past two weeks, yesterday, he had been away from me for the whole day but he said he had a surprise for me so that's what I was waiting on him for.

He would be here at any minute so I told him to just come in when he got here. Five minutes into my Bridgerton rewatch he walked in with a bright smile, walking right in front of the TV and holding an envelope out for me.

"What is that?" I sit up reaching for it

"Well beautiful, since your birthday is in two days I got you a gift" I look up at him suspiciously ripping the envelope open and pulling out a piece of paper and gasp, "You said you missed your family and you've been sad about not being able to see them so, I bought the tickets for you"

"Babe, no I can't take this" I look up at him feeling guilty, trying to place the tickets and envelope back in his hands.

"Yes you can, it is my job to keep you happy and this didn't even put a scratch in my bank account so don't you worry beautiful"

"I can't pay you back Riccardo" I pout

"I don't want you to pay me back, it's a birthday present and if your so persistent in trying to pay me back then a nice night in a hotel room would do it"

I look at him and narrow my eyes while digging in the envelope, smiling when I pulled another ticket to Oahu out.

"You want to meet my family?" he nodded "You sure, their a little much sometimes"

"Of course, I want to know everything about you, and your family, your hometown, that's all part of you" I stand up on the bed and jump into his arms.

"But," he said and I pulled away from the hug "My sister sent me an invitation, her wedding with a note, it's next week and I want you to come with me"

"You want me to meet your family?" I smile with my bottom lip out thinking about how cute that sounds

"Yes, plus I think I might need you there to keep me in check"

My smile turned into a frown as everything dawned on me.

"I have classes both weeks"

"No, it's a good thing you like to do all your work way before it's due because you have currently done every assignment assigned for the next three weeks, and I spoke to your professor about someone coming in to record your classes just in case it's that big of a deal to you"

"You did that" I lay my head on his chest "I'm surprised he said yes"

"It took some bribes and a little extra words but he said yes"

"What did you say to him?" I pulled up quickly and Riccardo shrugged smirking

"Nothing that he'll repeat, so are you staying here for your boring ass classes, or are you coming with me to Hawaii and Brazil"

"I'll come" I lean back into the hug and chuckle "look at us, two people from exotic places around the world, Hawaii and Brazil, my boyfriend a fine piece of Brazilian man"

He dropped me on the bed and layed above me "My girlfriend a sexy piece of Hawaiian women, you going to give me a nice dance in that hotel"

"I can give you one right now" I moan into his ear rubbing up into him when my door slammed open, a synced grown coming from us both while we look back to Kenzie.

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