Chapter 2

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I wake up to the loud screeching of my alarm, it was 5:30 but I was always up early compared to the other two.

Shutting it off I look at the desk next to me to see some workout clothes layed out on it, Kenzie had a habit of picking out my outfits and sometimes I was grateful she saved me the embarrassment dressing myself, other times I questioned if she knew me as well as I thought she did but I wore it none the less.

Changing into the black sports bra with white lining, the knee-length tights with Adidas's two lines down the sides.

I place the black socks on, throwing my shoes by the front door before going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I was surprised when Kenzie walked in and also grabbed her toothbrush, Jonah following in behind her.

"What ya' guys doing?" I asked in a surprised and confused tone, never have I see them up at 5:40 in the morning unless they hadn't even gone to sleep last night.

"We're going running and to the gym with you, it's a new place and we don't want you running by yourself this early" Jonah tired and annoyingly groaned as he brushed his teeth.

"Plus this could give us great benefits cause girl that ass looking good" Kenzie laughed and slapped my butt, harshly might I add.

"Kenzie stop violating me, I thought we talked about this" I whine holding my ass cheek, that shit stings people.

"No you talked, I never said I listened" she snorted and started gargling her water.

Sometimes for a girly kind of girl she had the mentality of a guy, and trust me she was one hundred percent straight she just had a thing for ass's, she'll check anyone's ass out.

Hell almost all the close relatives in my family did it to me, even Jonah, and especially the gay ones. It seems weird of course but I don't have a problem with it, after multiple years you get used to it especially when your mom does it on a daily basis, she was always jealous and I will never not tease her for having a flat butt. That's what she gets for calling me a fat ass. Things aren't as weird as they sounds, I just have healthy relationships with a lot of them, I was more comfortable around my family then anywhere else.

Sometimes when I thought about it I thought about the Sweet Home Alabama song and then I remember my family would never be attracted to me sexually. I was close with all of them.

I shook my head at her and grabbed my brush, my hair was in no way short, it was a sea of wavy light brown classic length hair, and classic length was about to the middle of my butt.

I quickly brush it together and put it in a high ponytail. Quick and easy, this was my everyday routine, showering after the workout.

I turn to look at Jonah who was styling his hair and Kenzie who was curling her hair still dressed in their pajamas.

"Um, how long are you guys going to take because I kind of wanted to leave in the next ten minutes" I wasn't trying to rush them, not that I know the real reason why they wanted to come but they needed to start moving because I doubt they even know where the gym is.

I searched it up and mesmerized the route on google maps, they probably only know where the mall is.

"You are both aware you sweat when you workout right?" They nod with excited smiles but I don't think they're seeing the big picture "You also know when you sweat your hair tends to get wet and not stay in place or as you want it to look, right?"

Kenzie frowned and stopped curling, she turned around to me and blinked.

"Ken if you sweat your hair won't look like that when you get back, it'll look like a bird's nest" she gasped and placed the curling iron down, glaring at my ponytail but copying it before she stomped out.

Jonah gelling and spraying his hair in place, he probably didn't hear a thing I said as he walked pass me, twenty minutes of sitting on the couch and scrolling through Instagram, catching up with stuff that happened at home before my two best friends came out dressed up in work out clothes.

I shook my head and grabbed my hoodie, my shoes already on.

"Aren't we going to have breakfast first?" Kenzie asked bringing out the leftovers and I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Remind me why you guys are up right now?" I asked, I was still confused, to them no guy was worth working out for.

"We realized that we are junk food lovers and very lazy and out of shape because the stairs winded me, to be honest, the first five steps had me wheezing and Kenzie shoves her face with hot Cheetos when she's not shopping" Johan spoke sucking on his teeth.

"We want to work out with you because we really need to, so whatever your routine is we're doing it with you" I snorted as Jonah went on.

"Well then I hate to break it to you but I have a granola bar for breakfast and I usually buy a healthy smoothie after my workout" I nod grabbing the container of pizza and placing it back in the fridge, passing them the untouched yogurt.

I was pretty lactose intolerant so I tried not to eat too many dairy products to avoid spending a day with diarrhea.

"Bitch" Kenzie said looking up at me from the yogurt "This is the barely the size of a pudding cup, in other words this is a snack not breakfast"

"Well it's a healthy breakfast so you can either go eat your pizza or hurry up and move before I leave you guys behind, your kind of messing up my schedule right now" Kenzie stomped but quickly shoveled it into her mouth, aggressively chomping on her granola bar as she glared at me, "No one told you you had to come" I shrugged.

• • • • •

I jog backward watching the two pant for their lives,  for some skinny fit-looking people they weren't so in shape. That's coming from the girl with asthma, I rarely needed my inhaler, sometimes I had to pace myself with running but that was rare. I was always sporty and active growing up, my lungs were pretty good but one whiff of smoke, and my lungs completely broke down like I was in a burning house or something.

"Are we almost done Sidney" Kenzie whined for the, I don't even know amount of times in the last minute.

"I can still see our apartment building door, so no, not really" I laugh at them, damn she really only strong when it comes to shopping bags.

"Sid we need a break" Jonah said.

"You know for some people who have sex for hours I would think you guys had more energy than this," I say stopping and watching them hunch over leaning on each other, other early morning joggers watching them with amused looks.

"Sid I can't do it anymore" Kenzie cried.

"You guys didn't even start anything yet," I said rolling my eyes "You know what, you guy go back home, I'll see you when I come back"

"No," Jonah said with a determined look "You are not running by yourself here and we know this place better"

Jonah quickly starts jogging in place and moving forward.

"Forget you guys I'm going back home" Kenzie said shaking her head and dragging herself back across the street to the apartment.

"Let's go before I lose you" Jonah slightly shouted out.

It was cute that he believed he was faster than me.

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