Chapter 20

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I yawn stretching out in bed, the bright sun shining in my eyes through the window.

I turn around to see Riccardo's sleeping figure, softly snoring next to me. I weirdly slept long today, I mean usually I went to sleep close to midnight like last night or technically this morning but either way I was like an alarm clock myself, set for five am and right now it was seven.

I scoot into him as he lays on his stomach, both our bodies still bare from round three, or maybe it was four.

Draping my foot over his back and laying my head on his back shoulder. Letting my hand trace some of his tattoos before he started to stir a little, lifting his head and glancing back at me before he dropped his head back into the pillows.

"Morning baby" I mentally moan at the depth and grogginess of his voice

"Morning" I spoke back lifting my head off of him, he pulled his hand out from under my head and wrapped it around my waist pulling at least half of my body under his and kissing along my collar bone.

I look over at the digital clock on the nightstand and groan.

"My class starts pretty soon" I said kissing his lips and trying to pull away

"Not yet I want to hold you" he said pulling me back in, shoving his head by my neck "I had someone get some clothes for you"

I giggle, his breath tickling my neck when he spoke.

"I need to get ready now before I feel too lazy" I playfully try pushing him away again and he grumbled quietly to himself.

I pull the blanket with me trying to stand up as he pointed to the bathroom door and stop when I was no longer allowed to move.

I turn around shaking my head "Riccardo let go"

"Or you could drop it and give me some motivation to get up" he shrugged smugly

"If I drop this blanket I won't be helping you deal with your junk" I stated before releasing the blanket and walking over to the bathroom, I turn around when I was standing in the door frame.

His eyes roaming my body as he rubbed his growing erection, I step back smirking and closing the door.

"Baby" I heard him whine probably still on the bed "Come back to the bed"

"Get out of the bed, I told you I'm not helping you with your junk," I said cracking the door open, enjoying the frustration etched on his face.

I grab the underwear on the folded clothes by the sink, slipping it on and clipping my bra before Riccardo dragged himself in the bathroom. He sat in a pair of boxers on the toilet just watching me.

"What do you want? Stop staring at me" I said flicking water in his direction.

"I want you" he said in the most adorable voice, pulling me to stand between his legs.

I grabbed the dark blue turtle neck, trying to get away from him.

"What the actual fuck?" I half hiss and half-laugh when he bites my ass cheek and then slaps it before I got too far away from him to reach.

A grin on his face as I glare at him.

"You nasty" I shook my head.

He stood up walking towards me and kissing my cheek.

"Only for you beautiful"

• • • • •

"What do you want to eat?" He asks pulling out of his parking spot

"I don't know" I said pulling my shoes off and crossing my legs "What do you want to eat?"

"You" I groan pushing his face away as his amazingly sexy deep laugh echoes through the car.

"I'm not that hungry so you can just drop me off," I said relaxing into the chair.

For a man with an expensive car I was surprised that he didn't tell me to get my feet off the expensive leather chair. Slouching forwards and scrolling through Instagram I stop and scroll back up with a whole scowl.

A picture of Kenzie and her stupid selfie's. She was in the kitchen, posing with her stupid Starbucks and directly in shot behind her was the flowers Riccardo sent me with the note or letter or whatever you would call it, my name written on it and you could clearly see my name even though she had some distance between her and the flowers.

But still it didn't take a genius to know someone sent those to the person who's name is on the card in the flowers, if someone zoomed in, actually correction if someone told my mom after they zoomed in and saw my name on that card I would be in shit.

A big pile of shit because this news wasn't shared with her when I got the flowers.

Posted 2 hours ago with over a thousand views, deep shit.

"I'm going to kill her" I groan dropping my phone in the cup holder

"What's the matter beautiful" Riccardo turns towards me as he parked in front of a cafe.

"Kenzie" he just nodded

"What do you want? Or are you coming out" I look at his face and something just told me he wanted me to come with him.

But I don't want to go in.

I reach down pulling my shoes on, opening the door, and meeting him on the other side, as soon as I was close enough to him he grabbed my hand, weaving them together and walking forwards.

I lean my head on his shoulder as we stood in line, I could feel the stares on my head, and in the corner of my eye, I swear I saw someone take a picture of us. Riccardo stayed staring up at the menu when the guy smiled and winked at me.

"What do you want baby?" I quickly turn back to him and look up, I didn't enjoy ordering for myself if I didn't need to, it made me feel weird sometimes, and right now was sometimes.

"The strawberry lemonade and breakfast burrito, no cheese" I smile up at him

I was enjoying this, everything was great, I liked that I could touch him and not feel uncomfortable.

I could feel his muscles tense and his grip on my hand get tighter. He guided me in front of him, turning me to face him.

"I want a kiss beautiful" he said and I nodded, leaning up, doing exactly that and then he whispered into my ear "If those boys keep staring at your ass I just might have to lock you away, or I could get you pants with my name on your ass"

"In your dreams"

His face turned serious as his hand gripped my jaw the other holding my ass in his hands and squeezing it.

"This is mine baby, you are mine" he said with his forehead against mine and I nod leaning forwards and pecking his lips.

I turn to look at the boys he was annoyed by, immediately I recognize them as some of Blake's friends I would also be tutoring later. I give a tight lip smile before turning around.

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