Chapter 51 - epilogue

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Graduation day.

I was nervous but extremely excited, everything was going my way today and it just felt like a good day. I found a cute little white dress with a cute little design.

Kenzie basically threw the white heels at me during all of this.

Unfortunately my parents couldn't make it, my mom couldn't get off of work and no one had the money for the flight, my family wasn't big on using other peoples money and my dad appreciated that Riccardo offered to pay but they turned down his offer even if this was an important time, they just believed you should work for your own money and you shouldn't take money from others.

I was disappointed but I understood, that was what made me independent and work for what I wanted, not because I took handouts and spending Riccardo's money for food is different so no one could come at me for that.

"Sidney pretty" Arabella giggled running into the room

I smiled and bent down to pick her up.

"So are you, how are you my little pretty girl" I smile kissing her face "Are you running away from daddy again"

She nodded shushing me and squirming out of my hands when we could hear him running up the stairs, I place her on the floor and watch as she runs down the hall of the little townhouse into the closet.

I laugh and shook my head as I continue to gel down my hair and put it into a high ponytail, watching at the side of my eye as Riccardo sneaks into the closet and looks around. I heard Arabella's cute little squeal and looked out the bedroom door to her running back to me and trying to hide behind my legs.

Riccardo walked up to me wiggling his eyebrows, picking up Arabella and kissing our cheeks.

"You almost ready to leave baby?" He asked

"Yup" I say tightening the ponytail one last time and turning towards him and nodding towards Arabella "Though I think you forgot to change her clothes"

He looks at her and groans, placing her on the bed he points at her signaling her to stay still with a playful glare and the I'm watching you point. She giggles and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Is daddy going to do your hair?" I asked her while looking at the knotted bush

"Daddy doesn't know how to do hair" she pouted

"So who's going to do your hair?" I ask and she pointed at me and nodded confidently "Come here you booger"

I place her on the chair and start to brush out her hair, one of my easiest hairstyles to do was a double dutch braids but I loved her curls so I tied them off just above the neck and add on some white bows. Spraying her hair down and scrunching the bottom.

I finished all of that in ten minutes so we walked upstairs to see what was taking Riccardo so long, walking in to see him digging around for an outfit.

"You need help?" I laughed at him

"It's not funny" he shook his head holding up a black sundress

"Daddy I don't want to wear that one, I want the pink one like Sidney" she pouted and stomped her feet

She called me mom once, it took a month for me to correct her, she still called me it sometimes but I didn't want her to grow calling me her mom when I'm not. I'm not saying it in a mean I don't want her kind of way.

I want her to be more older if she's going to call me mom, I want her to understanding and have a choice to call me Sidney if she feels differently about calling me mom.

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