Chapter 27

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Riccardo's POV:

"I'm not in the mood cagna (bitch)" I snap

My hand reached for the knife, standing in front of the bastard and dragging the knife down his jaw, his screams echoing through the room and leaving a sinister smile on my lips.

"Where's my money" I grunt punching the bitch on the side of his face, the anger took over from that one punch, knocking him and the chair over and sending a kick to his face.

Backing up and grabbing the long metal pole I bat him, smashing his face in and hitting him over and over again until his chest just stopped moving, blood flying up with each swing. Even then I stepped back forwards and continued to beat his dead body, releasing the pent-up anger on him until every portion of his skin was bruised, making his face recognizable.

I was mad at everything but she was right, I was a liar and I couldn't tell her about this, all the disgusting things I did that would make her hate me.

I wasn't mad at her for seeing my texts, I was mad because if she looked at more of my texts then she would have found out a lot more than I wanted her to. I get all kinds I messages, I send death threats and pictures of dead bodies. It was my fault for not blocking that bitch Allison, I would have been able to avoid telling her about Mia if that moron knew how to not fuck up. Mia was a fuck up and that was a problem.

I could still clean it all up with Sidney, not all hope was lost.

I didn't deserve her, I would never be worthy of her.

Walking to my chair I sit back, lighting the cigarette and throwing the lighter to the side, my office door opening I watch as Cassidy walked in, ass naked tossing her coat to the side and sat on the couch across my desk, spreading her legs wide open as she started fingering herself.

Throwing her head back and moaning but smirking at me.

"Come play with me" she pouted

Her presence ticked me off, and for her to think she could come in here like she owned the place. That wasn't her place to just walk in and think I would be okay with it.

My hand wrapped around the empty bottle of scotch and ended on the floor behind her as she ducked in time. I stalked towards her but it was like an out-of-body experience, I was watching it, it was me doing it but I couldn't stop myself. My hand wrapped into her hair yanking her out of the chair, her screams loud. Dragging her out of my office, her body dragged over glass and blood, yanking her towards the balcony.

She kicked and screamed all the way, she put up a fight as I push her closer to he railing.

"Riccardo I'm sorry, please I'm sorry, I didn't do anything" she cried trying to stand.

I held her over the balcony, holding her out by the hair while she kept a tight grip on the rail with her legs holding it as the rest of her body dangles.

"Don't you ever come up into my place like you own shit, think you have rights to things, you don't even own your own body with the way you walk around"

She was a prostitute so I was right, selling herself every night, she's charged me a few times when she was on the clock but it was suddenly free when she was desperate for someone to make her feel good and everyone got tired and moved to another new prostitute.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Riccardo, please I'm sorry" she begged clawing at my wrist

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I snarl at her

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" she screamed as I loosen my grip

"How are you going to do that huh? You think I want your blowjobs and your dirty body, not even close, you have nothing I want"

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