Chapter 4

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You know I don't even know what I put on this morning but I was kind of digging the outfit, walking out of the bathroom, dressed, teeth brushed, hair in a ponytail, and eating my granola bar.

Jonah and Kenzie nowhere in sight and I was leaving earlier to avoid another day of hearing Kenzie grumble and complain about working out.

Rushing out I forgot to take off my jewelry.

You know all girls have something annoying about themselves, some girls have loud heels, some have annoying laughs or talk loud, I had loud jewelry.

The three shell bangle bracelets and two pearl bangle bracelets on my right hand with a jade bracelet and a Hawaiian 15mm bracelet with my middle name engraved in it, on my left hand. They usually came off when I was working out but I swear I heard Kenzie stop snoring and I refuse to listen to her voice right now or today in general.

The only thing that never came off was the thin gold chain with three rings on it, once belonged to my tutu (great-grandma) on my mom's side, my grandma also on my mom's side and the other my papa.

I missed them, being home didn't mean I stop missing them though. They pass a few years ago, different years, and my tutu was a single mother with a promise ring from her dead fiancé and four kids, my grandma and papa were hopelessly in love, I dream of what they had but I know they're up there somewhere sitting in recliners and watching family feud or wheel of fortune together.

I rush with the bracelet clanking together, they may be thin but they were loud, my notifications going off which told me one of the two had woke up. I was sincerely sorry to any neighbors who woke up, the sudden movements especially made a loud noise and jogging didn't help.

Once I was on the empty streets or partly empty, people leaving for work and staring at me all I thought was I'm sorry and no I don't have that many keys.

They were loose on my hand but not loose enough to just slip off.

I answer my phone as soon as it starts ringing.

"What the hell bitch" I heard Jonah over the phone "Hope you trip and fall on your face" he said before hanging up.

I pull the phone away from my face and stare at it, that's rude, not even a goodbye.

I continue to jog around, it's been about three or four days since I ran into the stupidly hot guy at Nora's cafe and I was secretly hoping I would see him somewhere around. I mean now I understand what Kenzie means by she's a butt person, he had some perky checks on him, and damn did they look tight.

Did I just think that about someone's ass? I ask myself.

Yeah I then proceeded to answer myself

I'm losing it

Yeah you are

I need to stop

I pushed myself to run faster, shoving my hands into the hoodie I had thrown on before I left, kind of muffling the clanking sound but I froze in place when I heard a scream.

Turning my head to both sides but I didn't hear where it came from exactly, it sounded like a guy, the voice was deep but between the five different people on this street, I wasn't about to be caught and screaming if something was happening.

Or maybe that was selfish of me to not help, aw shit now I feel bad if I leave and some person who needs some help was just ignored.

Okay if someone screams in the next thirty seconds I'm going to help them I thought but I was secretly hoping that I was just hearing stuff, I mean I did watch some horror movies last night.

Some seconds pass and I started to just think I was paranoid, moving back into a jog towards the gym.

I walked in and smiled at the front desk person.

"Morning Ryan" I wave and he waves back but slightly froze when he looked behind me, his eyes shooting down.

I glanced back and I was surprised, here I was thinking about this guy, and poof he magically shows up, that's never happened with money.

I smile and continue walking, he was a little too scary, I was trying to rethink why I would want to see this guy again.

Ryan held out the key to one of the lockers, I had left my gym bag here the other day, I didn't want to jog back and forth with it. Placing my keys and accessories in the bag while rubbing an extra layer of deodorant, I could already smell some B.O.

I walk out choosing to go to the corner farthest away from the three men, as of right now no one other than us were here and it's not like I would have gone on the treadmills, I already got in some running and I would get it again when I was leaving.

Walking up to the Smith machine I put some weights on, doing my regular seventy-five pounds, I put my earbuds in blasting some music, quietly humming and singing to it while adding in some squats until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Ryan" I smiled at the receptionist

"Hey Sidney, you want me to spot you, no one else will be coming in for another half an hour" he nervously smiled and shrugged.

Before I could answer a deep and might I add hot voice answered.

"I'll spot her, why don't you get back to your job kid" maybe it sounded normal to others but to me, it sounded kind of rude, Ryan quickly turning around and scurrying away.

I turn around feeling confident in telling this guy off but then I see the jawline and I don't know what happened to the speech about being polite and treating others with respect.

"I don't need a spotter thank you very much," I said walking around him and towards the battle ropes, positioning myself before moving my arms.

"You know for someone who doesn't know me you sure are doing an awful lot to ignore me"

I chose not to look at him this time but still answer.

"Stranger danger" I scoff "I'm guessing you were never taught to not talk to strangers otherwise I wouldn't have to avoid you"

He chuckled "How are you supposed to meet people if your don't talk to strangers then"

"Easy, don't try meeting new people" god that one made me sound like my cousin "Now excuse me as I move to the next activity"

"Or you can talk to me and not ignore me" I finally turn to the guy, his eyes still the beautiful green I remember "I'm Riccardo" he held out his hand, a more welcoming look on his face today.

I held out my hand hesitantly.


He nodded and it was a few seconds before I pulled my hand away from his rough ones, the two men behind him watching everything with a slight smirk on their faces.

I get lost in his eyes watching as he stared back at me but break away when I hear my phone ring, reaching over and picking it up off the floor.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Coffee" Kenzie moaned like a zombie "please bring now"

"Yeah I'm coming" I rolled my eyes, I think I've had enough workout for today, it was short and not even started but I don't know how I feel about the current situation with three buff men watching me.

I quickly stand up and start to move around the guy but felt his arms wrap around my wrist calling my name.

"How would you feel about going out on a date with me?"

I felt bad right now because I wanted to say yes but I knew I was going to say no.

I smile at him but shrug apologetic my before speaking and leaving "Sorry I'm kind of avoiding dating right now but have a nice day"

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