Chapter 3

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"Can't we take a cab" Kenzie complained, as soon as Jonah realized Kenzie wasn't behind us he stopped and started blowing up her phone, yelling at her to get her ass up and meet us at the gym.

Now we were jogging to get some real breakfast because the captain whiner was hungry and Jonah decided to punish her by making all three of us run there.

I had no problem with it except that their run was my walk, I'm starting to see that I have no reason to feel insecure or jealous of Kenzie.

"Nope, keep moving" Jonah clapped his hands at her, a grandma in a motor wheelchair speeding past them.

I try to hide my laugh but fail horribly.

"Shut up" Jonah growled at me and started to chase me.

Well, more like tried to, shaking my head I break into a sprint.

"I'll meet you guys there" I laughed as they struggled to keep up, losing them around the block and going one more block up to a cafe called Nora's that they told me I needed to try.

Without looking I ran in, my eyes more focused on the two who were stopped at the traffic light, glaring at me from back there.

Bumping into a person and falling back, the guy looked down on me with a straight face and held his hand out to help me up, ignoring his hand I quickly picked myself up.

It wasn't that I didn't want to touch him because I so wouldn't mind but my hands were so sweaty a waterfall could form, we i'd rather help myself than to have him disgusted in me and my slimy sticky palms.

"Sorry" I apologized and dusted off my ass.

I look back up at the man's face, he still managed to tower over my already tall height, his straight face never changed as he just looked at me with an emotionless face.

"It's fine," he said and I look back to the two guys behind him with their hands behind their backs.

Secret service is that you? I thought to myself

I slightly fidget under his intense gaze, his eyes raking over my body had my insecurities creeping back up on me.

For some reason, this guy made me think about how I looked, was my cleavage looking good, was my ass too big, was my thighs too thick, was my hair sticking all over.

I clear my throat and stepped back allowing the man to walk pass, taking the hoodie jacket from Jonah off my waist and pulling it over my body.

I slightly turn my head to the man who looked like he was sculpted to perfection.

His tan skin and black hair that was in your typical messy look but it managed to look beautiful on him, his muscles that swelled in the expensive-looking suit, his eyes were a hazel green color, I was jealous of his eyebrows and nose, his plump luscious lips made mine look bad, and his jawline was just beautiful.

He turned around as my eyes stayed glued to his back, the muscles well defined in his clothing.

I quickly turn and move inside the cafe as I slightly blush, standing in line and feeling a gaze on me, I glance back and multiple people were staring at me but my eyes looked straight towards the door to the SUV that pulled away.

Jonah and Kenzie stomping in annoyed and mad glares directed at me.

"You bitch, you made us run" Kenzie punched my arm.

"I think I'm turned on" I softly muttered to myself as I still stared out the window.

"What?!" Kenzie and Jonah said in sync, I think Kenzie's eyes even widened a little "I don't think you would be that freaky"

I clicked my tongue annoyed "Not because you punched my arm, there was this hot guy that you both just missed because you can't run, or jog"

"Hot guy?" Jonah said looking at me surprised

"Has someone caught miss high standard's eyes" Kenzie chuckled as she poked my arm.

"Stop hurting me" I hissed at her "And it's not like I'll see him again so it doesn't matter"

"You didn't get his number?" I shook my head and Kenzie groan "Are you kidding me? When you see a guy you like you ask for their number or flirt until they ask you for your number"

"No, because it would be embarrassing if I embarrassed myself or he rejected me" I scoff "plus he kind of intimidated me and he looked more like one of those one night kind of guys and you guys know I don't date for fun, I date for a possible future"

They both groan, they've heard that line thousands of times. I mean I broke up with my ex last year because he wanted me to stay for college and I didn't see a future back home whether in college or settling-wise, so why waste his time any longer, we were dating for almost a year and a half.

He just didn't support my decision or my dreams.

I sigh, dating should just be off the table right now, or at least until I feel confident about dating someone.

I walk up to order as I could feel my friend's stares, they were just shouting 'are you stupid' silently at the back of my head, and considering i've had more stable relationship compared to them they shouldn't be judging that I didn't get some guys number.

I and Johnny barely argued, we were on the same page up until senior year the second semester, when he said he was going to stay and I said I was leaving for college, he was attached to our homeland just like me, the difference was I had the balls to leave just like I always planned to years ago.

"You're going to be alone forever," Kenzie said behind me "Please tell me you're not still hung up on Johnny"

"No, I'm just trying to focus on school"

"Bitch you have two weeks till school starts" Jonah laughed at my excuse.

"Okay I was scared to ask him for his number, you guys know I can get shy and he's bigger than you Jonah" I mumble and turn to the waiting worker.

Jonah was Samoan, that fool was a less buff and more lean Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

"Sorry, can I get a green tea and do you guys have dairy free bagels?" He nodded "I'll take a bagel then, no need for cream cheese" he again nodded.

"I don't know how you control your cravings, I mean the cream cheese is the best part" Kenzie shook her head at me.

"Well excuse me if I don't want to spend a whole day taking a shit and half constipated" I scoff.

I really did hate being lactose intolerant, I mean I could still eat these things with dairy but I will literally spend hours of the day running to the bathroom, pooping, puking, and farting and I wasn't about to do that. I ate dairy sometimes but it was in small portions, never too much at one time.

I look at them as they started ordering things with whip cream and breakfast sandwiches loaded with cheese.

"Forget you guys"

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