Chapter 44

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I sat there in the tree watching them walk around like idiots, they looked in every nook and cranny in the woodsy area but not once did they even think to look up.

Now that's stupid as hell, for kidnappers they sucked big time at keeping track of their victim.

I look around and mentally slap myself in the head.

I was starting to get comfortable but the peace and quiet was broken as billets started to fly, the loud sounds of gunshots echoing around the woods made me jump. My foot placing too much weight on a unsteady branch, I watch in panic as it falls to the floor catching a lot of people's attention.

A few looked up at me shinning their flashlights, others rush off to join in the gun fight but the rest.

I try moving around but they follow my movement, one suddenly aims the gun at me but doesn't shoot, leaving it there to try and intimidate me. I took a deep breath placing my back against the center of the tree.

The worst idea came into my mind as I look around, maybe it would work, or maybe it was dumb but it was a way to get closer to the housing where maybe they would be less hesitant to shoot me. Either way there were witnesses in the neighborhood and with the way I looked I would get attention.

Don't be a bitch I tell myself

It was something I always told myself when I was too scared to do something I absolutely should not do because I knew it was stupid.

Letting out a deep breath I start off on a run and jump when the branch started to feel flimsy. Thank god for working out and always playing on the monkey bars.

I caught the branch, using my hands to get towards another branch was difficult as the tree-bark was less slippery then medal bars.

As I get to the inside I hiss at the intense burning of my left arm, blood dripping down my forearm coming from the hole in my arm. I look down and start moving faster as someone aims the gun back at me.

I could see cop cars in the distance and people peering out their windows, someone heard, thank god.

I knew I had Mia's phone and all but I ain't no snitch, especially when someone I care about was in the mix, I didn't call the cops so it ain't my fault if anyone gets arrested.

I make it one more jump to the next tree, three people still following after me, actually more like the trail of blood I was dripping. I hate excessive bleeding, it sucked.

I was loosing strength in my left arm and kind of realizing jumping trees was such a dumb idea, but it was better then standing around and being an easier target.

This time they missed my arm, good news for me they got shot before they could shoot again but bad news would be that they broke the tree branch and I was falling out the tree.

I hit my back on a branch before I hit the ground, my body hurt so bad I didn't even move, I stayed there staring up at the sky. Of course I landed on my foot, no doubt this wasn't another broken leg situation, I could feel it in my bones, literally.

Rolling over I look up to see Adrian rushing over to me. He lift me up and began running away from the sound of sirens.

"Adrian, my blood is on the floor"

"Don't worry about it" he shouted

Damn I'm going to be arrested for fleeing the scene, got damn I hate the cops.

"Ow" I hiss as Adrian hits my leg

My body laying over his shoulder groaning as he ran.

I jump half rolling into a ball as we get closer to the shooting, who in the hell goes towards guns though, seriously speaking.

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